



The Imperial Star frigate slid through the black of space, its only companion the silent world of Proticou far below.

Captain Larson was standing at the forward view port, gazing out at the sleeping planet, when Lieutenant Phorpe arrived on the bridge.

"Report from engine crew," he said briskly. "All damage from that marauder attack has been repaired. The ship is back to full fighting readiness."

"Thank you Lieutenant," Captain Larson said carefully, hiding a smile; "Inform the Inquisitor," the Captain added.

Larson returned his gaze back to the view port, looking down on the planet Proticou.

The bridge was somewhat quiet except for the sounds of the bleeping consoles, being monitored by the crew members. Darkness shadowed out most of the bridge except that of the metallic floor, lit up by a low blue light. The bridge doors were guarded by two Storm Troopers, attired in dark green uniforms, clenching their hell-guns tightly, and standing motionlessly with expressionless faces, yet poised ready for sudden attack.

Moments later, the darkness of the bridge was lit up from the opening door. Inquisitor Lord Taharan of the Ordo Hereticus entered the bridge, dressed like something from the Middle Ages. His hair was long and scraggly, yet his face was that of a man in his mid fifties. His chin bore a string of scars, as if some sort of creature had clawed at his face; probably a Genestealer. Just below his neck was the Inquisitors "I" symbol.

He was attired in a long grey leather trench coat, drooping down to his black pointed boats. Holstered on his belt, his own crafted las-pistol, coloured mostly in gold.

"Ah, Inquisitor, we have arrived at Proticou. As well as that we have managed to repair all damage done in that last raid," explained Larson.

"Good," Inquisitor Taharan replied.

A sudden beeping from crewman Salinas' console drew their attention.

"Report," Larson ordered.

"We have a vessel approaching. From the surface of Proticou, sir," she said.

Not having the knowledge of this system like that of Taharan, Captain Larson looked to him for some guidance.

"Inquisitor?" he asked.

The Inquisitor looked across the chiming console for himself, with a most disgruntled look dressed upon his face.

"Inquisitor?" Larson asked again.

"She is reading hostile, Captain." Salina interrupted the silence.

"Ready the forward guns," Larson ordered to his crew, stepping closer to the view port for a look.

"I do not understand. I was told the planet was devoid of life. Could be a Reaver Ship," Taharan mumbled.

Larson watched the approaching vessel quickly move closer.

"She probably is. I do not recognise the markings from that vessel," Larson added.

"What?" asked Lieutenant Phorpe.

"Forgive me, Lieutenant. I forget that you haven't my experience of space travel. Reavers are the worst kind of pirate you will ever hear of."

"Why is that Captain?" Phorpe asked, with a most concerned look pressed upon his young face.

"Reavers were once like us - the Imperium's finest naval patrol ships."

"So they are like us. That should be an easy fight," Phorpe interrupted.

"How naïve of you. No, they are not like us, they are men gone mad. Some say it is because they have spent too long in the furthest reaches of deep space. Others say it is because they have travelled through the Eye of Terror and returned warped. Whatever the reason, they are no longer human nor are they animal. They disfigure themselves and feed off our flesh when they can. And if we are lucky they will only rape us while the feast upon us. They will do this while we still breathe, Lieutenant."

"Have you ever seen one, Captain?"

"If I had I would not be standing here."

Inquisitor Taharan bleeped his hand comm. "Sister Periar..."


"Prepare for battle."

"I do not understand, Inquisitor, why not just shoot them from the sky," Lieutenant Phorpe asked, whilst stroking his long moustache.

Taharan looked across the bridge at Phorpe. Then, choosing to ignore him, he looked across at Captain Larson.

"Have your Storm Troopers ready for uninvited guests."

Without even acknowledging him Larson flipped the comm at Selinas console; "Sergeant Griegg, ready the men for invaders."




Sergeant Griegg was a tall man, attired in full Storm Trooper armour, clenching his bolter tightly in his grasp with both hands. Behind him were another twenty soldiers, all armed with hell guns and crouched down on one knee. All waiting for the impact of the intruders. The corridor glowed red, hiding most of their features. Opposite the Guardsmen was Sister Periar, armed with two bolt pistols. Her white hair glowed red, reflecting off the bulkheads at her side. Behind her were another five Sisters of Battle armed with bolters and, like the Guardsmen, they crouched on one knee. A loud screech echoed throughout the corridors. Suddenly, and without warning, the corridors side exploded in a ball of fire, throwing chunks of metal in all directions, forcing it to bounce from the walls into the Guardsmen.

Griegg staggered to his feet, clenching his bolter tightly, looking up at the blast hole to see their invaders with his eyes almost bulging.

"Mother of god," he whispered to himself.




Larson glanced up from the sudden speed of the Marauder. It collided head-on into the Frigates side, violently rocking the whole crew, and forcing all on the bridge to the floor.

A couple of minutes later, Lieutenant Phorpe was the first to his feet, flicking his finger across his console.

"Report Lieutenant?" bellowed Larson, regaining his balance.

"Whatever has just boarded us will be outside the bridge doors about...Now."

The Bridge doors opened. The two Storm Troopers that guarded the doorway clenched their guns and fired. Two las blasts flew into their heads, killing both instantly.

Larson reached for his side arm, but wasn't quick enough. A bullet flew through his shoulder, rendering him almost unconscious Taharan reached for his golden side arm in time to see Salina shoot her las-pistol at the first figure to enter the bridge. Whatever it was fell to the ground screaming with laughter.

"Reavers!" he bellowed.

Six of them stormed the bridge, screeching with a terrible inhuman sound. The darkness from the shadows of the bridge hid their most disfigured look.

Phorpe dropped to his knees and began crawling behind one of the consoles to hide. Or at least attempt to.

Taharan glanced back at the bridge doorway. A tall figure of a man covered in a black cloak entered. His face was covered by his hood, except his mouth. Taharan's eyes widened, watching the stranger move closer towards him, with his hood slowly falling back from every motion revealing his face.

"Salvanfor," Taharan screeched loudly, as if the stars would answer his cry for help.



Chapter One

"The Voice"


The darkness surrounded Chief Librarian Grailin, leaving little light across his face, except that which was not shielded by his psychic hood. He stood motionless, looking at the stars. Attired in his Librarian blue ceramite armour, yet retaining both his crimson fists. One was clasping his tall staff with its golden eagle at the top, and purity seals hanging down from the pole. Across his chest he wore an open book of spells, on a chain that hung from his neck. He stood at the centre of the Forge Hands Bridge. Servitors manned most of the bridge consoles, chattering away with each other in binary. Attired in crimson sackcloth were two serfs, sat lower down from where he stood.

Behind him stood Korde, the Company's Senior Sergeant, standing as tall in height as him. Only attired in Midnight blue ceramite armour with both his fists as they where crimson. His face was also covered by much of the darkness that surrounded the bridge, except for the flashing lights from the consoles.

Grailin stood facing the large window before him, looking at the stars and beyond.

"The Inquisitor's frigate is gone from here, Grailin," Korde said as he stepped closer to him, stroking his short, cropped, white hair.

"I have no doubt that you are correct, but Chapter Master Pedro ordered us here. It was here Inquisitor Taharan disappeared, my friend. Keep scanning."

The sensors bleeped and chimed as the serfs looked for more than the stars that surrounded the darkness, which the Forge Hand drifted motionlessly through.

"Grailin, we have drifted here for seventeen hours now and still nothing has revealed itself to us. Surely he is long gone from this place now."

Grailin turned his gaze from the stars to look Korde in the eye; "Possibly. But remember, we have a lot of space to look through. Just because Taharan's Inquisitorial frigate is not visible to the naked eye does not mean it is gone. Ever thought that it could be mirroring the stars themselves? Out there like us drifting sleeping within this darkness."

Grailin walked slowly up to the face of the window, looking beyond his reflection staring back at him. One of the distant stars flickered enough to catch the attention of his eye. Raising his arm, he pointed out across to it.

"There. The planet Proticou, take us there."

The serfs revved up the Forge Hand's engines.

"My guess is that what ever has happened, Proticou may well hold the answer," Grailin added.

Korde stood at Grailin's side, watching as the star became closer.

"Take command of the bridge, Sergeant. I'll inform the Captain," Grailin said.




Syakotus walked slowly through the darkness that surrounded him, and stalked his every breath and movement. The only visible object in sight was a green glowing sphere, set out before him. 'Come' it called to him.

'Come to me' it called in an almost audible whisper. He felt compelled to advance towards the sphere. As he got closer he began to hear the soft hum of gentle violins. The glow of the sphere with its hypnotic green fluorescence was mesmerising him, taking over his every movement.

"Your Emperor calls you. Come, come. Find me in Proticuo."

Syakotus realised the voice was actually inside his head...but how did it place itself there?

He reached to clasp hold of his sword, but had the sudden realisation that it was gone.

'You have no need for weapons' came the voice.

Syakotus found himself standing before the sphere, his whole body bathed in the green glow. He held out his bionic hand over the glowing orb in its suspension of darkness.

"What are you?" he asked aloud.

"You know my name...I am Necrosphere."

With that, the sphere combusted into thousands of pieces of glowing crystal in the darkness.

"Embrace!" came a screeched, forceful and meaningful tone of voice.

The smoke from the shattered orb formed into an apparition, rather stealthily. Syakotus barely saw what it was before it amalgamated within his mortal body.


Opening his eyes with his forehead covered in a cascade of sweat beads. Syakotus looked up and out at the stars from the darkness of the training hall. Behind him stood Grailin.

"Your dreams are getting more regular. I sense evil," he said looking down at his Captain.

At that Syakotus rose to his full height, attired in crimson sackcloth drooping to his bare feet.

"What are you saying Grailin?"

Grailin stepped up to his face slowly, looking his Captain in the eye.

"You will be forgiven," he said as he drew his knife and proceeded to slit Syakotus across the throat.


Syakotus opened his eye in conjunction with his bionic eye, which glowed red through the darkness of the empty training hall. He rose to his full height, attired in crimson sackcloth, from the hood over his head to the bare of his feet. The hood fell on to his shoulders as he tilted his head, and gently clasped, with his hand, his throat.

"More visions?" Grailin enquired from behind, letting the light from the doorway flood across the empty darkness.

Syakotus suddenly turned towards Grailin, and in a stern tone responded with; "Yes. But there is something more...this time the visions gave me a name...Necrosphere."

"Intriguing," muttered Grailin.

"Indeed. I have not heard that name in over fifteen years."

Syakotus paused with his hand still gently clasped across his throat.

"So what brings you here to interrupt my meditations, Grailin?"

"We have set course for the planet Proticou. It looks as though the serfs have picked up a trail from Inquisitor Taharan's frigate."

Syakotus turned back to the long rectangle window of the training hall to view the stars.

Releasing his hand from his neck, and pulling what was left of his hood from his head, he revealed his short cropped hair fully. The sides of his head and the back, were shaved bald. A wire came from the side of his chrome left bionic eye, into the side of his head.

"Have the brother's combat ready and mounted on the Thunderhawks." There was urgency in his tone; he did not turn to face Grailin.

"As you wish Captain."

Grailin bowed and began to exit the hall, yet stopped in his tracks when his master suddenly enquired; "Grailin, what advice do you have for me about this vision?"

"I have none to give. It sounds more like sorcery. However, ever since we arrived in this system I have sensed something traitorous in the air. A different kind of evil that I just cannot put my finger on."

"Have the servitors bring me my armour," Syakotus ordered.

"I think it is time that I informed Chapter Master Pedro Kantor of my unusual visions," he said in a low voice to himself, whilst watching Grailin depart from the hall.

Grailin curved back towards his Captain. "No...I advise we keep this from him...for now at least. We need to find out what these visions are first."

With that Grailin was gone from the hall, and with him the light.

'You will be forgiven,' Syakotus heard once he was covered in darkness. "What the hell does that mean?" he said to himself.




Clotuk watched from the bridge of a cloaked Barge. Two Thunderhawks disembarked from the Crimson Fist battle cruiser Forge Hand.

"The Chosen One has arrived," he said, turning to face Krupeus.

Both men were attired in black sackcloth with hoods covering their faces completely.

"Good. We must prepare for him," Krupeus replied.


Chapter Two

"Psychic Presence"


The atmosphere within the Thunderhawk was warm and clammy. The sweat rolled from Captain Syakotus' face, under the moist and humid conditions, from the cockpit. He stood upright behind his two pilots, watching the metallic mass of the Inquisitor's frigate drifting limply on its side, growing closer. The whole mass of the frigate looked like a gigantic, ancient gothic cathedral, with a spear head leading its way.

"I can't see the docking bay, Captain," Gillis reported, checking his scanners whilst the lights flashed through the darkness of the cockpit, dashing his fingers across the control panel set before him under the low light.

"What's that there?" Syakotus said, pointing at their destination, bending forwards to take a closer look of the gothic looking structure they were fastly approaching. Gillis leaned forward.

"Ah, yes, I see it," he said, leaning back in his seat, flicking the switch releasing the landing legs. With a clang that echoed and a shudder of the whole craft, the crew wrenched forwards slightly. The legs came down ready for landing.

"One minute and counting Captain," Gillis said, beginning the landing procedure.

Korde, the company senior Sergeant, stepped in the cockpit doorway. Both his fists were crimson red and clenching his thunder hammer tightly in his grip.

"Have the men ready. I do not want any unwanted surprises," Syakotus said, gazing upon him.

"The first obstacle will be getting Tech-Marine Graus to the engine section. Wherever that should be."

"That should not be a problem, as long as I can interface with the internal systems," Tech Marine Graus said, stepping into the cockpit behind where Korde stood.

"Agreed. Hopefully our adversaries will not be too hostile. We will need to deal with them with utter swiftness. Our main priority will be finding Taharan." Syakotus paused momentarily to see the dark cathedral-look of the ever-closer frigate through the darkness.

"Look at the size of that thing," Graus said, looking at the strange gothic looking church positioned at the centre on top.

The Thunderhawk tilted forwards, giving the crew a second wrenching to their stomachs. Gillis started entering the Thunderhawk into the landing bay. This was lit up in a dull green light.

"Hold on to something. This is going to be rough," Gillis said.

The nose of the Thunderhawk tilted upwards before settling down and levelling on to the docking platform. With a sudden shudder their stomachs wrenched upwards with the change in the gravity.

"We're down, Captain," Gillis announced.

Syakotus fed a thick wire into the Storm Bolter latched to his left wrist. Flexing his fingers around the trigger on his palm, he then cocked it ready for immediate disperse.

"Lower the ramp. Squad Korde disembark," he ordered as the thrusters died down.


Once off the Thunderhawk, Korde looked around the large landing bay. The bay was high in height and very wide. The chrome floor was covered in blast holes and stained blood, as was that of the walls. Behind Korde stood Horton, followed by Linnex. Both were holding their bolters tightly. Frieh stepped forwards holding out his auspex.

"There is still life aboard. But whatever it is weak," he said, looking into Korde's bare face.

Syakotus stepped off the ramp, followed by Graus.

"Gillis, remain with the Thunderhawk," he ordered. Flexing his bionic fingers, he walked through the doorway out of the landing bay, followed by Graus and squad Korde. Turning back to face his men, Syakotus said; "Let's find Inquisitor Taharan and get off this tin bucket."


Grailin stood at Apothecary Lenthos side, in the front cockpit of the Thunderhawk, now approaching the unnamed vessel. Jinn sat in the pilot's seat, steering the Thunderhawk into the side of the vessel.

"I sense a presence within this vessel," Grailin said.

Lenthos removed his clean, white helmet revealing his dark coloured skin, resting the helmet by the doorway. He brushed his crimson fingers through his black hair.

"Looks to me like a Reaver ship.

"I find that intriguing as I sense a psychic presence within it."

"Moving into dock, hold on," interrupted Jinn.

"Sergeant Redeka, have the scouts ready to disembark," Grailin ordered.


Once the Thunderhawk had latched on to the side of the unknown vessel, the side lasers cut a hole large enough for the Marines to step through. Sergeant Redeka was the first to step into the dark corridors, followed by the other four scouts. All were armed with shotguns, and once inside they cocked them ready for action.

The inside of the vessel was covered in curtains of bare flesh that had being stripped from others.

"Freaky," said Vedd, the scout stood in the lead. The five looked above them.

"AARRRGGG!" screeched the Reavers jumping down on to the scouts from the roof. Fully clad in the flesh of other dead humans, they attacked the scouts, armed with sharp blades and clubs.

Redeka jumped backwards, firing his bolt pistol into two of them. Vedd fell to the ground clenching his shotgun with both hands, whilst firing hot shells into those that came near him. From the hole the scouts came from, a psychic blast flew into four of the Reavers, incinerating them instantly. Sergeant Gevedin pounced from the hole into the Reavers. Armed with lightning claws on both hands, he sliced and diced his way through the diabolic looking creatures that were once human. Blood splattered across his armour, with him cutting into the Reavers. The rest of Gevedin's assault squad jumped through the hole, followed by Grailin.

The Reavers were clad in human flesh using them for clothes. Most of them had disfigured their faces with shards of metal and barbed wire. One of the Reavers grabbed Grailin's right arm and started to chew through the ceramite. Grailin looked down on the abomination.

"Be gone," he screeched.

With that the Reaver combusted into a ball of blood and guts. Lenthos reached his arm through the entrance hole, clenching his bolt pistol. He began to take careful aim at the Reavers, picking them off one by one. The noise within the dark and damp corridors became somewhat deafening from the constant sounds of gun fire. The air became very humid. Bullets ricocheted from the blood soaked walls. Grailin dropped to his knees, summoning his fear. The fear channelled its way through his brain, and then from his psychic hood and spread into the Reavers. The Marines managed to gain the upper hand, whilst the fear had stunned the Reavers.

"I pity that of the weak minded," Gevedin yelled, cutting into the last of the living Reavers.

Once the Marines had readied themselves they stood across the corridor.

"Split into groups and search this bucket for any more of these creatures."

Lenthos stepped up to Grailin.

"And what of you Grailin?" he asked.

Grailin looked into the eyes of Lenthos. "I must find this psychic presence."

"And what if you succeed?" asked Gevedin.

"I do not know," Grailin replied.


Chapter Three



Syakotus entered the cockpit of the Inquisitorial frigate, slowly followed by Korde, clenching his bolter plasma combi tightly.

"We have a faint life sign in here Captain," said Judson, holding his auspex out.

Syakotus curved towards Judson, who stood gripping his bolter tightly with one hand whilst holding his auspex in the other hand. Behind him stood Frieh and Moref, followed by Techmarine Graus.

"Where?" Syakotus asked sternly.

"Just in front, Captain. In fact, it is just below that control panel."

Syakotus bent down on one knee to look behind the console across the blood-stained floor. He saw an Imperial Lieutenant crouched in a ball, rocking. The Lieutenant had had his face cut and one of his eyes gashed out. Syakotus also noticed that one of his hands had had the fingers cut off. Korde bent down besides his Captain.

"What the hell has happened here?" he asked.

"I do not know. But it looks as though we are not going to find Inquisitor Taharan alive."

Holding out his bionic hand, Syakotus clasped hold of the young looking Lieutenant and gently pulled him from behind the console.

"No, no please leave me," the Lieutenant cried.

"We will not harm you."

The Lieutenant looked into Syakotus' bare face.

"Do you know what happened to Inquisitor Taharan?" The Captain asked.

"They were quick and brutal. They watch...them rape crew man Salina...Once they had finished with her she...was no longer beautiful...the bastards ripped her face off."

Korde looked at Syakotus.

"This does not answer the question."

"He is traumatised."

"You aren't kidding," Korde replied.

Syakotus turned back to the Lieutenant.

"Do you have a name?" he asked.


"Well, Thorpe, can you help me. I need to know what happened here."

Thorpe looked into Syakotus' face again.

"Reavers. They attacked us...Then raped most of the crew...The Inquisitor...was taken into the ready room a strange, tall figure..."

"What did he look like?" asked Korde.

Thorpe looked at Korde.

"Inquisitor Taharan...called out his name."

Syakotus rose to his full height.

"Yes. What was it?" he asked softly.


Syakotus stepped back. Korde looked to his captain.

"So he is not dead," he muttered.

"Nor is the Necrosphere," Syakotus added.




As Grailin stood alone in the darkness of the blood-stained corridor, he stopped to listen to the sound of a gentle wind. Sensing something from the doorway forward of where he stood, he began to walk towards it.

He stepped through the doorway into a large mass of a room, if that's what you could call it. The door behind him slammed shut, with a bang that echoed. The sound seemed to magnify from the whole depth of the place. Looking around at his surroundings, he realised he must be at the centre of the vessel. Below him was a void, for he was stood on a bridge.


Grailin stepped out on to the bridge holding his psychic staff tightly. The air was somewhat colder here. He walked over to peer down into the void below. The void seemed endless. The atmosphere was almost still except for a slight, cold breeze gushing upwards.

Sensing movement at the far side of the bridge, Grailin turned to see Salvanfor. Grailin's eyes squinted as he felt some kind of psychic energy. Holding his psychic staff forwards, closing his eyes, he summoned the energy within his veins and channelled it into a lighting strike, through his staff. Like lightning, and with a deafening screech, the blast shot out across the bridge to were Salvanfor stood. But then it reflected as Salvanfor raised his hand forward, blocking it with an aura that shielded him. Gralin's eyes widened, watching the lightning come screeching back at him. Doing the same, he too summoned an aura to block the strike, deflecting it off the bridge.

"You are no match for me, Librarian. Your spells will only kill you," Salvanfor bellowed at him from across the bridge.

Grailin stepped forward again, holding his staff out, summoning a second lightning strike. Salvanfor jumped forward, blocking it with his aura. This time the lightning flew away from the bridge, screeching like a child down into the void below. Grailin went down on one knee to summon another strike, only with the full power of his psyche - something he knew would do harm to the radical. Salvanfor took another step closer to observe the Librarian's determination and power of will. Grailin rose up to his full height, opening his arms out wide, feeling his coil of aegis circuits light up and flow through his armoured body. He forced the power up to boiling point within his psychic brain - to screaming intensity - and let loose the full brunt of power. Channelled through his veins. A golden, glowing lightning strike flew from Gralin's psychic staff above his head, speeding across the bridge to where Salvanfor stood. This time Salvanfor used both his hands to summon his aura. Underestimating the power of the strike coming at him, he leapt backwards, the blast ignored the aura he'd summoned and smashed into his chest, throwing him somersaulting backwards on his back into the floor of the bridge.

"Your power is strong. But you need to do more than that to hurt me," he said, rising up to his feet.

Grailin began spinning his staff, like a propeller in his hands. As he spun the staff a fire ball emerged from the eagle end, straight into the face of Salvanfor, knocking him back yet again as the heat melted his face down his left side. Suddenly his body started to bubble and course through his very veins. He felt his blood begin to bubble. His heart seemed to slow. Suddenly, he felt more psychic power flow through his mind. Rising up from the floor, his arms spread out wide, he began to levitate in a slow spin, rising up high before stopping to face Grailin.

Grailin watched in horror as Salvanfors trench coat ripped away from his body, flapping off down the void like a fallen flag. The armour around his back flew off across the bridge whilst the flesh ripped away from his spine. Blood splashed out across the bridge and into the void. Six large, slimy, green tentacles grew out from his back. Flapping about violently, each one stretched out to full, heads unfolded out much like that of a Terran snake. He arched back slightly, his chest started to split open, his rib cage began splitting from the flesh, forming blades. Grailin took a step back, watching Salvanfor become something more diabolic in appearance, and grow more powerful. Watching in horror as Salvanfors chin opened out with a spike at either side, and small horns grew from his scalp. With that Grailin charged at the radical, smacking him with full psychic energy from his staff across his now deformed chest. A blast of lightning flew off the psychic staff into the grotesquely deformed chest. Blood splashed out across Gralin's face. Salvanfor simply looked down on Grailin and swatted him back across the bridge with such strength that, to Grailin, seemed so much stronger than that of the strongest of Marines. He slammed against the back wall entrance to the bridge. Salvanfor floated across the bridge and over to Grailin, who was regaining his balance. He stood to face Salvanfor head on. Both men looked each other in the eyes, for Salvanfor was waiting to see what the Librarian's next move would be, physical or psychic, while Grailin had realized he'd lost this battle but retreat was not an option open to him. The pause was broken; Grailin launched his psychic staff into Salvanfors face, pushing him back, whilst channelling another lightning strike. With a kick to Grailin's face he dropped the staff. A blast of lightning bursting out and across the bridge, dying out as it shot down into the void, falling back from the impact. The staff rolled off the bridge and fell down into the void. Salvanfor dropped back to his feet, unhooking his mighty daemon-sword and launching it into Gralin's armoured stomach. The ceramite cracked as the trapped daemon's voices within the blade screamed, and the blade sliced through Grailin's flesh and through his back. Blood poured out on to the floor with Grailin dropping to his knees, feeling the evil within the blade pouring into his veins and beginning to paralyse him. Salvanfor pulled the blade from his stomach, kicking him over. Grailin laid paralysed on his side, watching Salvanfor look down on him. For the first time in his life as a Space Marine of the Crimson Fists, Grailin screamed.


Chapter Four


Gevedin ploughed his lightning claws into the bulkhead after hearing the cries of Librarian Grailin. Behind him stood Lenthos, waiting in eagerness, hoping Grailin would still be with the living. Gevedin cut a hole large enough for them to step through. Once the hole was cut, Gevedin peeled back the metal from the bulk head. The creek echoed as Gevedin pulled the metal away. Lenthos pressed past the Sergeant.

"Grailin!" he yelled at the sight of the Librarian laid across the edge of the bridge.

Lenthos climbed through and on to the bridge, then knelt besides Grailin.

"He still breaths," he said looking up at Gevedin.

I think it is time for us to take our leave of this bucket. And destroy it from the Forge Hand," he said, whilst helping Lenthos pick up the Librarian.


Gevedin looked up to see seven Reavers armed with swords and clubs. One was armed with a heavy stubber. Letting go of Grailin, Gevedin stepped up closer to the Reavers, then flexed his lightning claws out.

"Let's dance," he said.

The leading Reaver stepped up, clenching his heavy stubber with both hands.

"Diiiiieeeee!" he screamed, inhumanly, then fired the stubber.

The sound echoed with a deafening scream, with bullets bouncing into the wall behind the Marines. Lenthos stood dragging Grailin through the hole made in the bulk head. One of the bullets thudded into his shoulder, knocking him down. A gush of blood spilled on to his white shoulder. "Aarrgg," he moaned.

Gevedin leaped up into the air then ploughed down into the Reaver slicing his chest open with his claws. The stubber dropped to the floor with a loud clang. Moments before Gevedin knocked what was left of the Reaver off the bridge.

Two more Reavers stepped up to attack Gevedin, armed with swords. Looking down on them Gevedin swatted both with one claw, dicing them into three separate pieces. The remaining four Reavers looked as though some one had set them on fire; their skin was completely burned.

Lenthos looked up, just as he'd managed to pull Grailin through the door, at the four Reavers diving on to Gevedin. Lukos pushed past Lenthos. Holding his plasma pistol forwards, he shot down one of the Reavers. Gevedin ducked, letting the second flow of plasma incinerate another of the Reavers in the head.

"Testy little bastards," he said, picking the remaining two up. Holding them over the edge of the bridge, with their legs and arms flapping in hysterics, he let go. The echo of their screams soon died out the further down the void they fell.


Lenthos held up Grailin's head.

"Brother, what happened?" he asked calmly.

"The rogue Inquisitor Salvanfor is here. But not what he once was. Now he's something more...We have to warn the Captain," he said, feeling his body become un-paralysed.

Lenthos helped him to his feet.

"We came because we heard you scream," Lenthos explained, once Grailin was standing.

"Brother Lenthos, I've seen so much evil and never have I been scared. Until now. Salvanfor is something more."

Gevedin stepped back into the corridor where they stood.

"May I make a suggestion? We get off this vessel and destroy it from the Forge Hand."

Grailin rested his arm around Lenthos's shoulder."Good suggestion. Agreed. Let us take our leave of this thing."



Syakotus slowly walked through the dark and moist corridors, followed by Graus, and squad Korde. Horton took up the lead, holding his auspex forward. The doors in front of them seemed to be locked as Moref tried to open them.

"I'm reading a life sign behind those doors," Horton alleged, looking back at Syakotus.

Syakotus went to Korde's side. "Get them doors open; we're vulnerable here."

"Moref, open the doors. Horton, give him some cover," ordered Korde, beginning to unhook his thunder hammer from his back, flipping it on. The energy began a gentle, low hum.


Moref hacked his chainsword into the centre of the vilely stained doors. Sparks flew as the bar he'd just hacked through fell away, clanging to the ground. He raised his bolter once the doors started to slide open, with Horton flicking the switch at the right side of the doorway. Moref felt his eyes nearly pop and shoot through the visor sockets of his helmet. "Dreadnauuuuuuuuuuhgt," he bellowed with shock.


Chapter Five

"And Then They Cometh"


Moref stepped back, looking on stunned at the beast before him. Its upper torso was vile in appearance; spores and abnormal warts covered its huge, bloated, filthy, green face. Above its stretched nose hung its large, bulbous, yellow-stained, freak eyes. The dreadnaught stepped forward, thudding its mighty foot hard on the ground. Its right arm stretched out to grab Moref. Hung from the metallic mechanisms of its joints, rotted flesh flapped about yet was stretched and pinned down. The loose bits flapped about with its every motion. Stained with a dried blood, its long fingers clenched tightly around Moref's waist and chest, squeezing the life from him. Horton hurled his knife into the metallic rusty arm, but all he'd managed was to annoy it. The large, vile-looking dreadnaught swatted Horton like a fly with the back of its hand, slamming the Marine into the wall, knocking him unconscious instantly, whilst releasing the crushed corpse of Moref to drop to the floor.

Sergeant Korde charged at the beast, swinging his thunder hammer into its left bulbous eye. The eye burst into mucus of greeny-yellow slime that dripped down its filthy cheeks. Stepping back, Korde took another swing at its face with the thunder hammer, but this blow was blocked by its long, rusted arm. Moments before it opened its large, slime-ridden mouth, revealing its long, needle-like teeth. From behind its jaws came its long green tongue. Without warning, it slapped the Sergeant across the front of his dark blue helmet, leaving a thick, gooey residue and knocking him off his feet with a crash. Syakotus raised his left arm, clenching his fist tightly to trigger his wrist mounted storm bolter to fire on full-auto into the dreadnaught's face. The bullets thudded into its grotesque face, releasing more dripping slime. Without warning, it stepped forward with its large, bulky, bulbously rusted legs, revealing its large auto-cannon for its left arm. Stepping over the corpse of Moref, it lunged forward into the squad, unleashing a burst of bullet fire from the auto-cannon, knocking two of the Marines back instantly from the shock.

Korde staggered to his feet from behind the vile smelling dreadnaught, watching the seven tentacles flapping about. Looking for targets to swat, he aimed his plasma-bolter-combi, taking a lucky shot and cutting one of them down with hot plasma. Judson and Linnex jumped to Korde's side, doing the same with their bolters. The sound became somewhat deafening.

Syakotus unsheathed his power sword, flicking it on. The low hum began with him swinging it above his head and then cutting through the side of the dreadnaught's arm. The severed arm dropped to the floor with a gush of yellow mucus.

"Feel the vengeance of the Emperor, beast," Syakotus yelled as he took a second swing, this time slashing into the beasts face, creating more slime of a black colour that spewed down the glowing red of his blade.

"You shall not stand before me again, beast."

The dreadnaught turned with its auto-cannon at Syakotus. But in doing so it left itself vulnerable for squad Korde, letting Fehr take up position with his heavy bolter, and open fire with a full burst. The burst smashed the auto-cannon open and clean off the dreadnaught's arm joint. Once the gun dropped to the floor Korde, Judson, Linnex, and Syakotus simultaneously slashed their weapons into the beast. The dreadnaught's tongue lashed out at Syakotus, yet only became stuck in the palm of his bionic hand. Squeezing the tongue tightly, he then yanked it from its mouth. Once severed, black slime splashed across the attacking Marines in a shower of vile and grotesque spores. Still flapping about in his palm, Syakotus tossed the severed tongue aside, whilst digging his power sword through the dreadnaught's mouth.

"Consider yourself cleansed, beast," he muttered out loud, pulling his sword from the mouth of the dreadnaught, and then kicking it back. Once on its back it began a terrible sound of a shriek, almost deafening to the ears. Linnex flung a krak grenade into its screaming mouth. The Marines pulled back to watch the dreadnaught combust with the explosion into a shower of rotted flesh and broken metal.

Graus stood at Syakotus' side. "I hope that was the only one."

"It appears we have under-estimated the threat," Syakotus added, stepping across the debris.


Korde stepped into where the dreadnaught had come from - the Imperial frigate's canteen. Korde put his foot straight into a puddle of wet blood. Then, from the echoing sound of what sounded like a dripping tap, he looked up. Syakotus followed him in looking up also. Above them, dangling head down whilst hung from their feet by chains, five women hung totally naked. Two of them had being disembowelled, with their intestines hanging past their ears. Another had had her face cut off. All of them had short, shoulder-length, white hair.

"Adeptus Sororitas," Syakotus said softly.

Looking back around the room Syakotus saw the canteen tables all smashed and broken across the blood soaked floor. In the centre of the room was a pile of burnt and still gently smoking bodies.

"I do not understand. Surely the Sororitas would have been able to over come the Reavers? They aren't exactly a match for their prowess," Korde questioned.

Re-cocking his storm bolter Syakotus looked across at the pile of burnt bodies. "It looks as though the Reavers had help. Have you ever heard Reavers using a dreadnaught?"

"Get to the engineering and power this ship up. There must be some records we can access," ordered Syakotus, turning back to Gauss

"No problem," Graus replied.

"Linnex, go with him," ordered Korde.


The Thunderhawk detached itself from the hull of the Reavers vessel. The engines revved up, moving the crimson coloured Thunderhawk back towards the direction of the Forge Hand. Grailin, Gevedin and Lenthos stood behind the two pilots, Jinn and Crispin, watching the Reavers' vessel become more distant, whilst the Forge Hand became closer.

"I sense something, something not right," announced Grailin.

Without warning, a green beam came from the darkness and slammed into the side of the Forge Hand, causing a gush of flames to pour from its side. Within seconds the Forge Hand combusted into a ball of flames, tossing pieces of bulkhead and broken metal across the stars.

"What the hell?" bellowed Gevedin.

Slamming his fist hard across the console set before him, Jinn managed to turn the Thunderhawk just in time to miss a second green beam slashing the side of them.

"Look," shouted Lenthos, pointing across towards the Reavers' massive, rusty, black-looking vessel. They all looked up to witness its explosion, spreading pieces of it across the stars. Crispin looked up at the cockpit's window to see a piece of bulkhead slam hard into the glass, causing a crack.

Grailin engaged the comm in his throat.

"Captain, Captain, the Forge Hand has been destroyed as has that of the marauding vessel."

"What? That leaves us sitting close to the frigate. We may need your cover."

"Understood, but we have been hit across the cockpit glass."


Graus stood over the frigate's engine's heart with his mechanical arm strapped to his red armoured back. The arm was trying to unseal some of the bolts across the oil soaked engine.

"Did you hear that?" asked Linnex, who'd heard the sound from the two exploding ships out side. Graus looked up at him and removed his red helmet, revealing his half cybernetic face.

"Hear what?" he asked.

With what sounded like a gush of wind, the engineering wall ripped away from the frigate, followed by a large gush of flames, throwing Graus and Linnex into the air and then back down. The engine shattered and crumbled before being sucked out into space. Graus had landed on his head, breaking his neck upon impact, taking his life. Linnex had been slammed hard into the wall, with one of the pips pushed directly into the front of his face, making his skull and brains crumble.

Syakotus and Korde, followed by the rest of Korde's squad, climbed back up the Thunderhawk ramp. They turned to bear witness to the backdraft of flames consuming the landing bay before disappearing, only to return just as quick.

"Close the hatch. Gillis, get us out of here - double speed," Syakotus yelled, pulling Frieh into the Thunderhawk.

With that the ramp was up and the Thunderhawk tilted forwards from the violent gush of wind from the oncoming flames that by now had engulfed the bay. With a loud bang from the ignition of the aft thrusters they were away in time to see what was left of the Inquisitorial frigate burst into another ball of flames. The explosion had damaged one of the aft thrusters, blowing it away from the Thunderhawk, pushing the whole craft hurtling forwards into the atmosphere of Proticou.

"Captain, I've lost all control. Brace yourselves. We're going in for a crash," Gillis blurted out.

Syakotus sighed whilst sitting into the co-pilot's seat, then engaging the comm in his throat: "Grailin, follow us, we're going in for a crash landing on Proticou."


Grailin pressed both of his crimson hands tightly across the back of Jinn's seat, trying to make out from a distance the incoming ships that had destroyed the battle cruiser. The closer they came, the more like half moons they looked. Just making out their features, Grailin noticed the all had golden coloured Pyramids atop.

Lenthos turned to look for himself. "I know them," he said softly, with a tiered tone to his voice.

Simultaneously, both Lenthos and Grailin said: "Necrons."


Chapter Six



The alarms inside the Thunderhawk were ringing loudly. Sparks began to shoot out from some of the wiring on the walls. Korde tried hard to fasten his seatbelt, while the others sat still. Everything inside the Thunderhawk was covered in red from the red lighting. Inside the cockpit, Syakotus and Gillis tried hard to battle for control. Once they'd passed the dark clouds the rain hit them hard across the windscreen, followed by the wind, which rattled throughout the Thunderhawk. Every time the craft would rock from side to side the Marines would feel their stomachs wrench.

The sides started splitting away from the joints with more smoke gushing throughout. Syakotus turned to Gillis.

"How many crash landings have you ever done?" he asked.

Gillis looked up at him, taking his eyes away from the windscreen.

"One...including this one," came his reply.

"Great," Syakotus said, choosing to look back at the distant land they were fastly approaching.

Gillis danced his crimson fingers across the control panel before him, trying hard to steer the Thunderhawk as it screeched through the sky at a terrific speed.

Syakotus looked on, glimpsing the trees that were coming into view. Looking on, he saw the ocean not too far from the tree tops.

"Try and get us in the ocean Gillis. We will stand a chance," he said above the loudly ringing alarms.




Grailin Lenthos, Gevedin and the two pilots, Jinn and Crispin, watched in horror as the Captain's Thunderhawk plummeted through the sky. Its front and under carriage turn red then yellow from the speed it raced at. Jinn and Crispin tried hard to keep up with it.

"Stick with them Jinn. Our Captain will need us," Grailin ordered.

Without warning, a green beam hit the tail end of their Thunderhawk, tossing them and the other Marines forwards.

"We've been hit," bellowed Jinn, who was now trying to keep control of their Thunderhawk.

Grailin watched the Captain's Thunderhawk head off towards the ocean below, and then plummet into the sea.

"I can land us near them by those trees," Jinn explained, pointing across towards the now visible tree tops.




Once the Thunderhawk slammed hard into the ocean the whole crew jerked forwards from the impact. Syakotus and Gillis looked up to see the thrashing water slam hard into the windscreen shattering the glass on impact. Without warning, they were both covered in water, with it flooding its way into the cockpit.

The nose of the Thunderhawk was under the water whilst the tail end, still ablaze, was stuck up in the air from the water. The alarms were ring louder with the flames spreading fast inside. Korde un-strapped himself and dived into the water filled cockpit.

"Captain grab my hand," he said, holding his crimson hand through the door way.

"Take Gillis first Sergeant."

Gillis sat back up, almost fully covered by the pouring water. Korde grabbed the pilot by the shoulders and pulled him from his seat, attempting to drag him into the seating area. Judson managed to plough through the water and started helping Korde drag the wounded pilot.

Syakotus un-strapped his seatbelt, rubbing his nose from slamming it into the console set before him.

In the back Horton leant across to Frieh, only to realise he was dead. He'd been crushed by his heavy bolter, which was also broken.

"Sarge...Frieh's dead," he yelled to the cockpit.

Sparks were dancing across the whole Thunderhawk, followed by flames, then the red lighting started to flicker on and off. Syakotus managed to pull himself from the cockpit, using his bionic arm to pull himself out.

"Horton, blow the hatch. We're getting out of here before she blows," he said, yelling over the constant bellowing alarms.

With a loud bang, the back of the Thunderhawk was flung up high into the air, letting in the rain from outside.

The first out of the Thunderhawk was Bealon, jumping into the thrashing waves that started to knock the Thunderhawk. Niven, Judson, Horton and Lebenzon all jumped out together, yet they were all slammed against the Thunderhawk's night blue side from the violence of the waves. Korde and Syakotus each took one of Gillis's arms then climbed up the tail end. The rain came down slamming into their ceramite hard. They jumped from the Thunderhawk into the thrashing of the waves, followed by Stanza. They were all in the thrashing of the water, trying hard to swim away from the Thunderhawk. Syakotus turned back to watch the tail fully sink below the surface of the ocean.




Jinn managed to use the trees for a soft landing. Trailing smoke, they crashed through the trees, knocking a good few over before their Thunderhawk came to a stop. They all fell forwards whilst Lenthos was flung through the windscreen, shattering the glass on his way out. Grailin and Gevedin cracked their heads on the back of Jinn and Crispin's seats. Crispin's head slammed into his console, whilst Jinn jerked forwards then backwards in his seat. Glass flung into his neck, forcing out a gush of blood. The Thunderhawk came to rest within the trees. Smoke filled up the cockpit with sparks flying off the ceiling.




On the bridge of the cloaked battle barge, drifting just above Proticou's atmosphere, five men stood watching the Necrons race after the Crimson Fists' Thunderhawks. The five stood in darkness, attired only in black sackcloth. Their whole features were hidden from their hoods, except that of their pale white chins. Clotuk turned to Krupeus.

"The chosen one might be killed. Should we intervene now?" he asked.

Krupeus looked at his reflection in the window.

"No. He will not be killed. If we intervene now the Necrons will discover us, and that will not help any of us."

Clotuk slowly walked up to Krupeus as if he were a ghost.

"The radical has fled, also to Proticou. The Orb must be taken from him," he whispered.

"The chosen one will find his way to the Orb. He is drawn to it," Krupeus replied in a whisper.


Chapter Seven

"A New Arrival"


Sergeant Redeka opened the ramp of the Thunderhawk, letting the fast falling rain and wind into the craft. The scouts all jumped off the back. Armed with their shotguns, they ran into the waving trees to take up a defensive position. Lukos and Schofield staggered out, nodding their heads. Redeka went through to the cockpit. Sparks danced in sizzling wisps across the consoles, with smoke coming from the cracked piping above them.

Grailin rose to his feet, flexing his jaw. Then, looking around, he noticed Jinn. The pilot was laid back in his seat with a large shard of glass embedded within his neck.

"He's dead," said Redeka, standing over him.

Gevedin rose to his feet, removing his helmet, revealing his new face wounds. Brushing his crimson hand through his short, blond Mohawk, he leant back.

"Squad Gevedin, disembark," he ordered, leaning from the cockpit. Then he began refitting his lightning claws.

Crispin switched the red light of the Thunderhawk off. The inside became quite dark. Grailin stepped down the ramp into the rain and constant gushing of the wind. He took a look around the waving trees, and then stepped away from the crimson and blue Thunderhawk.

"Redeka, check Lenthos. He was blown through the cockpit."

With that, Redeka went to the Thunderhawk's front nose. There he saw Lenthos picking himself up from the ground.

Gevedin jumped off the Thunderhawk and landed next to Grailin.

"We need to get to the Captain," Grailin said.

The wind thrashed into the trees, rocking them from side to side, whilst the rain danced of them. The soil which they stood in was somewhat squelchy. The wind became drowned out by the sound of fast approaching engine noises from within the woods. Jumping back on the Thunderhawk, Grailin took a power axe from the armoury.

Gevedin looked up, listening to the sounds of engine thrusters approaching them. To his shock he saw Necron destroyers.

"We have hostiles," he bellowed, whilst ducking into the trees.

Both Grailin and Crispin jumped from the Thunderhawk to witness the Necron destroyers fire their gauss cannons at them. Gauss blasts hit the side of the Thunderhawk, causing it to roll over on its side, thudding through the bushes and slamming hard on its side with a bang, landing in the sludgy soil.

"My men," yelled Gevedin from within the trees.

Seconds later Grailin and Crispin were blown into the air from the explosion of the Thunderhawk. Bursting into a ball of flames the fire threw itself into the trees and across the ground. Knocked from his feet, Grailin landed face down in the sludgy soil. Gevedin masked his face from the flames with his arms, once the Thunderhawk exploded, bursting its flames in his direction. Lenthos and Redeka became engulfed within the flames, yet Redeka managed to evade the worst of them, whilst being shot at by the Necron destroyers. Lenthos, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.

The scouts ran as fast as they could back towards the Thunderhawk. Once the ball of flames were in their sight they all dropped down on one knee, aiming the shotguns upwards at the Necron destroyers, then fired upwards at them.

One of the Necrons looked down on them. Turning its gauss cannon to face them, it began firing.

Gevedin leaped up from the trees into the first of the three Necron destroyers, and ploughed his lightning claws into its chest. Grailin rose up, holding out his right hand, summoning his psyche. A bolt of lightning shot from his crimson fingers into the head of one of the Necron destroyers, forcing its head to explode. The remaining Necron destroyer turned at him, and then began firing its gauss cannon. Grailin used his left hand to throw his power axe upwards into the Necron's neck. The axe sliced clean through, then dropped to the ground. Redeka leant down besides the burnt corpse of Lenthos, saying a prayer to the Emperor. Grailin walked over to him, picking his power axe from the wet mud.

"Come, we cannot stay here," he said.

Gevedin leant back against one of the trees with Lukos at his side.

"I've lost my whole squad."

"Their thoughts are with us, Sergeant," Grailin said, looking up at the falling rain.




Syakotus was the first to reach the rocky edge of the land, pulling himself out from the thrashing sea. He switched his bionic eye to night vision to see through the grim sky lighting. The first thing he saw was hundreds of Necron foot soldiers heading his way, all were armed with Gauss guns.

Korde clambered out next to him, with his thunder hammer strapped to his back. He took hold of his combi-gun with both hands. Once they were all out of the water, Syakotus noticed a green light coming from a stone made tower in the distance.

'You have come, rescue me, rescue me from this hell, come.'

Syakotus looked back at Korde. "Tell me you heard that?" he asked.

Korde removed his dinted helmet and dropped it to the ground, revealing his veteran face. His hair was short and white, while the side of his face carried a section of scars down the left cheek.

"Yeah, I heard the sound of those damn beasts coming for us."

Syakotus looked away, hiding his disappointment.

"See that tower...we can hold them off there."

"After you, Captain," Korde said, gesturing his hand towards it.

"Follow the Captain and stick close together," Korde said, addressing the remainder of his squad.




Clotuk watched the Necron fleet fly into the atmosphere of Proticou, and then disappear into the clouds below.

"The chosen one will be killed by them if we do not intervene, Krupeus."

Krupeus stood silently still before the great window of the battle barge bridge, covered in a shroud of darkness hiding almost everything except that of his white mouth and chin.

"We have company," he said, whilst watching an entire fleet of Grey Knights drop out of warp.

Chapter Eight


Korde crouched down behind the rocks on the pebbled beach facing the ocean, watching the Necrons' slowly approach. Behind him, crouched on one knee, was Judson, holding his auspex, trying to count the number of Necrons heading towards them.

"Sarge, I'm counting about two hundred of them. I think our time has come."

Korde looked back at Judson.

"Have faith in the Captain. Remember, we've seen worse. In the city of Volcane there were thousands of Night Lords heretics."

Syakotus silently crept over to the two crouched Marines, with the wind and rain dancing off his back.

"Korde, I've found a looks as though it will take us straight to the tower," he said, whilst crouching besides them.

"Holy Emperor," Korde stuttered out.

Both Syakotus and Judson looked up to see a Necron Lord emerge from the trees. Patting Korde on the shoulder with his bionic hand, Syakotus said: "C'mon, time to go."

The three of them dashed across the pebbled beach, through the strong winds, with the rain slamming into their chests, joining the rest of squad Korde, hidden inside the mouth of a dark cave.

Inside the cave it was mostly dark, and damp. Syakotus took up the lead, with the others following him further into the darkness. They were brought to a sudden halt by a set of stained steel bars.

"Judson, Bealon, take up the rear. Niven, drop behind them for a supportive fire, should they need it," ordered Korde.

Syakotus used his bionic arm to clasp hold of one of the bars, and then began to bend it. Specks of dust dropped into his hair from above whilst he yanked the bar free.

The bar dropped to the ground with a clang once it landed. Syakotus began stepping through the gap he'd just made, followed by Korde, then the rest of the squad. Judson and Bealon covered the rear, slowly stepping through backwards with their bolter trained forwards, in anticipation of a sudden attack.

Once on the other side of the bars, the cave became more like a medieval, stone-made, long corridor. Syakotus let a red laser beam come from the side of his bionic eye into the darkness a head. Then they set off, picking up their pace as they went.




Outside the cave in the violent winds and thrashing rain, the Necron Lord led the Necron foot soldiers into the cave after the Space Marines. One by one they marched into the darkness, Gauss guns trained forwards, Necron Immortals and Necron Wraiths joining the ranks.




Stood at the centre of what looked like a medieval courtyard was a stranger attired in a dusty black sackcloth gown and guarded by six Reavers, all wearing giant rats' fur and armed with las guns. They watched as a rusty red gun cutter came from the dark windy sky. The gun cutter began levelling off for landing. The wind from its thrusters blew at the stone floor below, kicking up the dust.

Then it landed, letting the thrusters die out. The side door opened downwards making a ramp for its crew to walk down. A gush of steam blew out of its doorway, followed by the sound of grinding metal. The whole craft came to a sudden stop.

Inquisitor Lord Taharan was the first to emerge from the door way, down the ramp, followed by Sister Periar. Both had their hands cuffed in chains. Behind her, a Reaver emerged holding a shotgun to the back of her head. The moment they stepped off the ramp, the Reavers waiting by the stranger stepped up to them, pointing his las gun forwards. Then, flapping out of the doorway, six slimy green tentacles with snake heads emerged, hissing loudly. Salvanfor led them out.

"My master, you have changed," said the stranger.

"Never mind me, Prill, have you anything to report?" asked Salvanfor, once off the ramp himself.

"Yes, my master, that I do," Prill said, softly approaching his master.

"The Necrosphere has begun to glow brighter than we've ever seen it do before. Also, it be making some strange whisper," he finished.

Turning to his prisoners, Salvanfor said: "Are you ready to witness my ascension, as I will use the Necrosphere to take control of the Necrons?"

Sister Periar looked up at him with her battered and bruised face.

"You are nothing but a Heretic. You scum," she said, spitting into his face.

Wiping the spit from his face with his hand, he licked it.

"Ooh, the sweet taste of the saliva. Bitch," he returned.

The strong winds blew back Prills' hood and the sackcloth cape covering him. Prill was more machine than man. A thing of wires formed in the back of his metallic skull, and metal augmetics. Salvanfor could see the rotted flesh stretched and pinned across what he called his face, the face of a man 1,100 years in age, all of which spent in the service of the Imperium, before following his master away from being a loyalist.

"Come, we have work to do," Salvanfor said, walking off into the open castle doorway before them.




Grailin led the Marines from the waving trees and the wind and rain. Redeka and the four scouts took up the rear, walking slowly, pointing the shotguns into the trees, expecting an ambush at any second. Gevedin, Crispin and Lukos followed Grailin cautiously, expecting an ambush like that of the scouts.

Grailin engaged the comm within his throat; "Captain, Captain."

"Grailin, where are you?" came the Captain's reply.

"We're in the woods at the moment. The Thunderhawk crashed us into the trees. You must know we have Necrons here."

"Yes. That I am aware of. If you can see a tower with a bright green glow coming from it, head towards it. We'll meet up there."

"I see it," Grailin said, looking up beyond the waving trees to see the lime glow of something bright dazzle him through the wind and rain.

Gevedin stepped up to Grailin.

"What are the Captain's orders?" he asked.

Grailin turned to him, prepared to answer, but stopped from the sight of dozens of Necrons appearing from the darkness within the trees.

Gevedin spun around with a gauss blast slamming into his chest, knocking him from his feet and on to his back. Lukos dropped to one knee raising his plasma pistol, firing plasma into the attacking Necrons. Behind him, Crispin turned to face their rear, aiming both his bolt pistols at the Necrons. Yet something from above hurtled him upwards, with him firing off both his bolt pistols. Then he was gone within the trees.

The four scouts dropped to their chests, firing off shells from the shotguns in a desperate attempt for survival. The sound became loud and confusing. Grailin held out his crimson hand, summoning a lightning strike, then directing it towards the Necrons. Three Necron warriors were engulfed by his lightning, dropping to the ground, mouthes open. Vebb, the lead scout, jumped to his feet, clenching his shotgun tightly and firing shot after shot. The following three scouts did the same. Redeka dashed to be at their sides amongst the gauss blasts and shotgun fire.

"C'mon lads, we have to flee from here," he bellowed, above the white noise that covered them and their ears.

Necron Wraiths dropped from the trees, Grotesque floating killers. The Wraiths moved like that of ghosts, shifting in and out of phase. Wide, hunched shoulders supported their leering skull faces. Long whip-like arms wielded scalpel blades that they used for fingers, with a nightmare assortment of arcane surgical equipment. And they moved with a speed that was far quicker than the Crimson Fists could keep up with.

Lukos ran at them, firing off his bolt pistol. Shell after shell thudded into their chests and yet they refused to fall. One by one they jumped him. One Wraith slashed him across the face with its snake-like body. Lukos flew up into the air from the lash, his back slammed into the damp bark of a tree. Sliding down, he still managed to retain aim with his bolt pistol, with his finger constantly squeezing the trigger. Yet the blades of the Wraith's scalpel fingers sliced into his face, cutting the skin away. Blood poured out faster than it could clot. Grailin jumped towards him, but was blocked by Gevedin's arm, yanking him back.

"He is gone," he yelled, pulling the Librarian back.

Amongst the attack, the scouts became separated from Grailin and Gevedin who'd now began to disappear into the trees, with the Necron's concentrating on attacking the scouts.

Lukos was still clinging to life, even though the Wraiths had disembowelled him, with his intestines dripping with blood hung from his stomach. One of the Wraiths ploughed its scalpeled hand into his face, moments before pulling his brains from the new hole it had made. Lukos was dead.

Sergeant Redeka, followed by Vebb, Tyke, Possle, and Annaud, tried hard to evade the Necrons. That is until they were blocked by the twisted and ghoulish terrors of the night. The Flayed Ones stood forwards of them, making a clipping noise as though someone was clanging pins together. Thin and wiry, they adorned themselves with the still-wet flesh hides of their victims before. Leaving a trail of blood in their wake, they were advancing towards the scouts. Possle and Annaud charged them, raising the butt of their shotguns. And yet the Flayed Ones flung their blade like fingers into the chests of the two scouts, hoisting them upwards. Vebb and Tyke rose up their shotguns, but were not quick enough. The bodies of Possle and Annaud had all ready been shredded into chunks of fresh meat.

"Bastards," screamed Vebb, charging forwards.

Stumbling, then slipping backwards with the wet mud below his feet, he dropped on his back. One of the Flayed Ones jumped on to his chest, then began ripping away his armour before killing him.

Tyke turned to see a Wraith hoist Sergeant Redeka high above its head, seconds before ripping him clean into two.

By now Tyke had realised his fate would be the same as his fallen comrades, whilst watching their still twitching bodies through the pouring rain. Looking up at the approaching Flayed Ones, he un-strapped one of his krak grenades.

"Praise be to the Emperor, praise be to Dorn," he said, releasing the pin.

With a loud explosion, followed by a sudden gush of wind, Tyke was blown to pieces.

Grailin and Gevedin managed to get clear of the onslaught, clearing the trees. Grailin looked up through the windy skies above. There had to be at least twenty or even more Grey Knight Thunderhawks descending from the sky. Clenching his power axe, they both set off in the direction of the brightly glowing tower.





Krupeus turned his gaze from the grey planet of Proticou.

"Commander Clotuk, are your men ready?"

Still adorned in black sackcloth, standing in nothing more than the darkness that surrounded them, Clotuk stepped forwards

"Yes, my Master. Give the word and we will act," he said with a whisper to his tone.

"The word is given. The arrival of the Grey Knights has changed matters. If they discover the purpose of the chosen one, they will slay him. You must protect him from harm, Clotuk. If he falls, all will be lost," Krupeus explained in a ghostly voice.

"And what of the Necrons, my Master?" asked Clotuk.

"They are greater in number than I first thought. They must not be allowed to obtain the orb. If they do, all will be lost."

Another figure entered the darkness of the battle barges bridge. Like that of the bridge crew, he too was adorned in black sackcloth.

"Etheane," Krupeus announced.

"My Master, the Orb is becoming brighter, thus making it stronger."

"This concerns me. If the Orb bonds with the chosen one, can it be stopped?" asked Clotuk with a silent whisper.

Krupeus turned back to face Proticou; "Yes," he replied silently.

With that Clotuk was gone from the bridge.

Etheane slowly moved to stand with Krupeus. His movement was like watching a ghost haunt the shadows.

"If they merge, this will be better. But if it merges with the radical we will lose all control," Etheane said, as if slithering his words out.

"It will not."

"How do you know this, my Master?" Etheane asked.

Krupeus turned to Etheane. With a sudden spark from a distant star the light lit up the darkness covering Krupeus's face momentarily, revealing his paler than white face from the nose down to his chin; "Because I have seen it."


Chapter Nine

"The Cavern"


"Come, come to me, come, now."

Syakotus slowly led his Marines through the darkness of the cavern. Using the night vision of his bionic eye, he marched at a steady pace. He was brought to a halt by the groaning sounds ahead. Holding up his bionic arm, he signalled the others to stop. Korde stepped up behind.

"That doesn't sound good."

Barely able to finish his sentence, the darkness was lit up from heavy stubber fire coming from up ahead of them. Dropping to their knees and training their bolters forwards, the Marines watched the stubber fire ricochet off the stone walls, knocking dust and chunks of stone across the damp floor. Seconds later the roar of the Reavers followed the stubber fire, followed by their charge.

Syakotus was the first to his feet, unsheathing his power sword, easing his bionic finger across the power switch. A gentle hum started up with the blade turning a soft red. He ploughed his way through the darkness towards the Reavers, swinging the power sword from left to right. The first Reaver armed with the heavy stubber was the first to face his wrath. Following in his charge, Korde joined his Captain, swinging his thunder hammer into another Reaver, cracking its skull on impact. Slowly, the Marines moved forwards with their bolters trained forwards on single shot, they began taking pot shots at the first sign of a Reaver coming into view. Each shot fired momentarily lit up the darkness. Ducking and diving, Syakotus kept up his pace of attack with the Reavers.

"Captain, this is far too easy," Korde pointed out above the bolter noise.

Without warning the ground thudded. Both Syakotus and Korde stopped in their tracks. The sound of a loud roar echoed in a deafening screeched that filled up the cavern. Still looking at each other, Syakotus and Korde both said simultaneously: "Can't be."

Without warning auto-cannon fire filled up the darkness. Those of the Reavers still standing were cut to pieces. The sounds of their screams were drowned out by the immense noise of the auto-cannon, creating a white noise of sound. Both Syakotus and Korde dropped to their chests, hard across the damp floor, with large specks of dust covering them over.

Judson, Niven and Bealon, were the first to be hit by the constant raging screeching shells. The three were knocked hard on to their backs.

Lebenzon looked up whilst reloading his bolter; his eyes became bloodshot red from the sight of the dreadnaught stepping into view. Once he'd loaded the clip into his bolter he trained it forwards on auto-fire, and began shooting. The bolt shells sprayed across the cavern bouncing off the dreadnaught's mighty armour. Still refusing to relent he loaded in another clip and again started to fire.

Behind him Horton followed suit, only trying to take up a precise aim at the medieval head of the beast thudding its way from the constant raging fire fight. Stanza dropped to his chest by Syakotus and Korde, aiming his plasma gun straight at the extended arm of the dreadnaught. With a loud scream the plasma beam burnt into the beast's arm, but that only aggravated the beast more. Horton and Lebenzon took advantage of the distraction from the plasma gun.

Leaping into the air Lebenzon landed on the dreadnaught's top. Horton dashed across its face, aiming his bolter into its eye visor. He let loose a storm of bolter shells, the sparks bounced back into his dark blue helmet, causing a score of scratches. Syakotus leapt behind the beast, clenching his bionic fingers tightly across the power sword's handle. He began cutting at the mess of multi-coloured wires running from its arms. With a most distressing roar the dreadnaught stamped its right foot forwards, knocking Lebenzon from its upper torso.Stanza shoved his plasma gun into the beast's left leg and, easing his finger across the trigger, he let loose a beam of hot plasma. The plasma beam cut through the leg, knocking the dreadnaught forwards onto its chest. The crash echoed loudly throughout the darkness of the damp cavern.

Once down the dreadnaught began flapping about, trying to stand again. The echoes of its mighty cries were like listening to an infant scream for its mother. Syakotus jumped up on to its back, ploughing his power sword straight into its centre. With a sudden jerk Syakotus was flung into the air, crashing down hard with a slam into the stone wall before sliding down.

Holding his combi in his right hand, whilst still clenching his thunder hammer in his left, Korde jumped on to the fallen beast's back. Korde aimed the combi to the back of its head and fired. Horton dashed up, clenching his bolter tightly, and mimicked his Sergeant's actions. With a loud bang the dreadnaught's head exploded into a shower of sparks across the darkness, dying out just as quick.

Syakotus joined his Sergeant, sheathing his power sword back in its scabbard.

Judson rose up to his feet with Niven, looking at the massacred, twitching body of Bealon. The auto-cannon fire had ripped his chest apart, leaving a mess of blood and guts sprayed across the stone walls of the cavern.

Looking around at the pile up of the dead bodies Korde turned towards Syakotus. "Maybe it was not a bad thing we left Lieutenant Thorpe on the inquisitor's frigate. We would not have been able to carry him through this," Korde said with a touch of sadness to his tone.

"We have lost a great many brothers today. And still we must confront that heretic and the damned Necrosphere. Amongst this we still do not know Inquisitor Taharan's fate."

Stanza walked over to take up the rear of the Marines before they began to move again. Niven dashed up to take the lead, cocking his bolter for unwanted guests.

From behind, a green gauss beam shot its way into the back of Stanza's head, killing him on impact.

Syakotus turned to watch the fallen Stanza drop, whilst listening to the sound of the marching feet of hundreds of Necron's filling up the cavern. The sound became somewhat deafening the closer they approached.

"Holy Emperor, give us a break," said Syakotus, unsheathing his power sword again.


Chapter Ten

"Stand And Die"


"Hurry, come, you are close to me now, come."

Syakotus looked ahead of the darkness using his bionic eye.

"We do not have time for this I have to get to that tower," he said, looking at Korde.

"Why? What awaits us there Captain?" he asked.

The Captain slowly walked Korde away from the others, so he could speak privately with his Sergeant.

"I have something I must confess with you, Korde. But I cannot explain in great detail. Though we are short on time I will explain of what I can."

Korde put a slight smile across his veteran face. "You have no need to keep things from me, Captain. You know you have always had my trust."

"I have been having visions for the last three months. Something has been drawing me here."

"What? Surely Chapter Master Pedro Kantor would not have sent us here to investigate the Inquisitors disappearance if he knew this."

"He does not know."

"Surely he does. Captain, what have you not been telling me?"

"I have used Brother Librarian Grailin to confide in. It was with his advice that I kept this from Chapter Master. He believed that we should discover the origin of my visions. And the voices that have called me here."

"I understand. Forgive me if I sounded as though I questioned your loyalty to the chapter. I of all know your loyalty within the chapter," Korde finished, bowing his head.

Syakotus walked over towards Niven and Lebenzon. "Though it pains me to do this of all our loses today, I must order you to buy time for us."

Niven looked up, removing his helmet, revealing his short-cropped, brown hair.

Even through the surrounding darkness, Syakotus looked on at the Marine's youthful face.

"We have known the moment we arrived in this system that our deaths were inevitable. We will try to buy the time you need, Captain. We will not fall without taking some of them with us."

Syakotus bowed his head in respect of the two Crimson Fists. "Your sacrifices will not be forgotten," he said, walking away from them.

Korde, Judson, Horton and Syakotus picked up their pace, beginning to run down the dark cavern that seemed endless.


Niven crouched down on one knee, aiming his bolter forwards in anticipation of the approaching Necrons. Lebenzon did the same, whilst saying a short prayer to the Emperor. Both Marines watched the darkness light up with a green glow as it began showing up all the markings hidden to them within the cavern. The Green glow was followed by the approaching Necron Lord leading the Necron soldiers following him.


Syakotus and the remaining three stopped to listen to the sound of bolter fire echo within the dark cavern. It was followed by the sound of the gauss guns. The sound died out from the screaming of the two Marines. Then the sound was gone, and the marching of metal on stone began once more.




Grailin and Gevedin saw the castle before them across the field it was centred at. The castle was tall, yet it had the appearance of a gothic medieval church. The castle's end had a huge tower placed at the end. The tower faced the cliff, looking on to the ocean of thrashing waves below.

Both Marines looked up at the tall dark tower. At the top was the bright green glow Syakotus had told them to follow.

"Guess we're here then," Gevedin said, looking across the field for any hostile opponents whilst flexing his lightning claws.

Grailin started to walk across the field with his power axe clenched in both hands.

Suddenly, a loud roar of an explosion caught the attention of both. Looking back they saw the woods they'd just left explode into an array of psyche fire and gauss blasts. The trees became a blaze.

"Grey Knights," Grailin said, turning back towards the castle.

Looking back at Gevedin, Grailin called out to him: "Come, our captain needs us. Believe me. This I know."




Hovering at the centre of the tower the sphere hung motionless, glowing brightly for all to see. Behind it stood the deformed radical Inquisitor, Salvanfor, with Prill ever at his side. The brick work of the tower had black stains of soot laced across every orifice, along with the smell of burnt flesh. The floor was stained with dried blood from the human remains sprawled everywhere. The wind and rain blew Prill's cape from side to side whilst he followed his master to the towers edge.

"Bring the prisoners to me," ordered Salvanfor, looking across to the Reaver guarding the sphere. The Reaver disappeared down the stairway from the tower.

Prill slowly walked closely to the Sphere, holding his metallic hand out above its bright green glow.

"Get away, idiot," yelled Salvanfor.

"My master, forgive me. I was merely taking a look. My aim is only to please you, my master," Prill said, as if he were a weasel begging for its life.

Both men looked across the field into the woods that now were ablaze in flames, being made worse by the strong winds carrying the flames forwards.

"How does my master intend to stop the Grey Knights?" Prill asked.

"Once I have harnessed the power of the Necrosphere it will not be too difficult at all."

"But, my master, the Necrosphere has deformed you. You are more heretic than ever, they will not let you breathe."

Salvanfor looked across at Prill, with the rain dancing of his head. "Watch your words, Prill. I'm no heretic."

"But, master, they will see you as that."

"Prill, be silent. Now you are beginning to annoy me."

"If it pleases my master we do not need both of the prisoners to watch. You only need the Inquisitor to witness your betrayal."

Salvanfor spun around and grabbed Prill by his metallic throat.

"What have you just said?"

"It is true. But if it pleases you, let me have the woman."

Salvanfor released his grip of Prill, letting him stagger back slightly.

"Of what possible use is she to you? You are nothing more than a freak. And a bad one at that."

"No, master, not for my pleasure. My master, I want some of her flesh for my own. Master, you have seen how pure her flesh be."

Salvanfor relinquished his grip of Prills throat, then watched him drop to his mechanical knees with a clang. The respirator attached to his back hissed, pumping oxygen to his decaying lungs, whilst he momentarily chocked. The pistons within his legs made a grinding noise with his every movement.

"Fine, have her. She is yours to do as you will."

Prill left the dismal, gothic tower.





Syakotus emerged from the darkness of the long cavern at the stairway leading up. Behind him Korde stood sniffing the stale air.

"Captain, one thing bothers me. Where in the name of the Emperor are these damned dreadnaughts coming from?" he asked, loading a fresh bolter clip into his plasma-bolter-combi.

Horton began stepping up the steps that seemed to spiral into something more. His journey was cut short by a blood-stained axe being impaled in his skull and down his upper torso, cutting him clean in two halves. His blood splashed back down into the remaining three Marines. Syakotus looked up, at the sight of a large, muscular Reaver covered in still wet human skin, dripping fresh blood on to the stairs below his feet.

Syakotus spun around quickly enough to see the shower of blood and guts that were once Horton. Korde leapt up at the Reaver using his full body weight, dropping his combi to the ground with an echo. The Reaver swung the axe into the Sergeant's chest, knocking him back. Syakotus plunged his power sword into the Reavers open chest. A fresh flow of blood dropped gently down his blade, followed by the massive, bulky body of the Reaver. Judson was knocked from his feet by a sudden attack from his rear by a Necron. Spinning around he saw his attacker was indeed not just a Necron, but a Necron Lord. Coloured in a shining mithril silver, its eyes had a disturbing green glow. In one hand he held his large staff, whilst his other hand clasped Judsons throat.

"Captaaaaaiin," he screamed out.

The Necron Lord hoisted up Judson above its metallic, shining head, with its hand still clenching his throat. Judson, choking from the lack of oxygen, dropped his bolter to the floor with a clang, knocking the gun to slide across the floor itself. The bolter slid into the wall hard enough to knock the trigger. letting out a burst of bolter fire, ricocheting off the walls. Judson took a hold of the Necron Lord with both of his hands, attempting to headbutt the thing.

Syakotus grabbed Korde's hand, helping him back to his feet, only to witness the Necron lord impale its large blade-like staff into the chest of Judson. With that, Syakotus raised his arm with the attached storm bolter and fired. The bolt shells bounced off the Lords face, whilst it tore what was left of Judson in two. The Lord was covered from head to toe in Judson's blood and guts.

Korde unhooked his thunder hammer from his back, swinging it straight into the face of the Necron Lord.

Releasing both half's of the now dead Judson, the Lord fell back from the stairs. Syakotus kicked it hard in the chest, before swing his power sword across its neck. The head dropped from its shoulders whilst the remaining body parts staggered backwards then dropped lifelessly to the ground.

Leaving his combi behind Korde began his way up the spiral steps, into the light above, followed by Syakotus.


At the top of the stairway both Syakotus and Korde entered the courtyard of the gothic and dismal looking castle. Both men stopped to look back from the echoing sound of bolter fire below. The darkness below was lit up in a spectacular array of yellow and red.

"What in the name of the Emperor?" Korde said, with a tone of intrigue.


Chapter Eleven

"Faith And Loss"


With a loud explosion that rocked the whole of the castle, the wooden entrance doors burst open in a shower of smoke and splinters. Like flying spears the splinters flew through the air and across the courtyard, into the remaining Reavers. From the explosion Grailin emerged, followed by Sergeant Gevedin flexing his lightning claws.

Grailin looked across the courtyard to see Both Captain Syakotus and Sergeant Korde heading towards him.

"Captain thank the Emperor that you still live." Grailin said bowing his head at the arrival of Syakotus.

The four crimson fists looked above them at the sudden sound of what sounded like screeching woman's voice. Taking the lead Syakotus ran towards the gothic entrance way to the tower above. Once inside the tower Syakotus looked around at his surroundings. The floor was like a black laced marble, covered over by puddles of blood. In the far corner were the intestines of a fallen victim, spread out, covering the spiral stairway. Grailin looked across the room to see white marble benches broken and tossed aside, yet still covered in the remains of monks and preachers that had once occupied the gothic castle.




You are here, my servant of the Emperor. Come, come, breathe me in."

Syakotus dropped to his knees, rubbing his head.

"Grrrumm. Grailin," he said, rolling over on to his side, releasing his hold of the power sword.

Grailin dash across to him. "Captain...Fight it...what ever it is, fight it."

Syakotus rolled on to his back, scrunched up into a ball. "I'm...trying...but it's too strong."

"Gevedin, cover the entrance. Korde, cover the stairs," he said, looking down on Syakotus. "Captain, I sense whatever calls you is above us."

"We should have...informed...Chapter Masteeeeeer...Graaaa..."

With that Syakotus rose up to his feet as if possessed by something. Picking up his power sword he began his way to the spiral stairway.

Grailin spun around from the sudden intrusion of Necron Flayed Ones emerging from the entrance. Gevedin pounced at them. Flexing his lightning claws he attacked the first one. Holding out his hand, Grailin began to summon a lightning strike, but was cut short by the gauss blasts of the Necron foot soldiers following the Flayed Ones in. The ground beneath his feet gave way, taking him down with the smashed marble floor.


Syakotus turned only to witness the Flayed Ones pull Gevedin apart piece by piece. One of them ripped his first heart from his chest and flung it across the black stained floor.

Three krak grenades flew over his head into the approaching Necrons, blowing them apart.

"Captain, c'mon," bellowed Korde, looking down from half way up the stairs.

Korde turned from the sound of approaching foot steps. Above him was the mutated radical Salvanfor holding a plasma pistol down at him. The plasma shot from the barrel into Korde's Chest, carrying its way through his back and bouncing into the black brick work of the stairway's wall. Blood sprayed from his chest in a shower, spreading its way upwards, whilst the blood from his back dripped backwards down the stairway. The Sergeant dropped to his knees, releasing his grip of his thunder hammer.

"Noooooooooo," bellowed Syakotus, beginning to race up the stairway towards Korde. Raising his arm with the wrist mounted storm bolter, he began firing off bolt shells that thudded into the walls, showering specks of dust down. Salvanfor retreated back up the stairway.

Korde dropped backwards, slamming his back against the dark stairs. Syakotus dropped to his knees, gripping the Sergeant's left hand tightly, then watched the blood flow from his mouth.

"Korde, stay with me."

Korde looked into Syakotus' face with a slight smile.

"My time has come."

"Damn you, stay with me my mentor, my friend."

Korde coughed out some blood before the weakness of his body shutting down caught up with him.

" can defeat this not let him win."

Syakotus held Korde's head up. "I'm afraid. I have been taunted by visions of the Necrosphere. I'm afraid of the Necrosphere and what it wants of me."

"Use the guidance and wisdom Chapter Master Kantor will have given uurrgh... you."

"He has given me none; Gralin's counsel advised me against informing Chapter Master Kantor. I feel I have failed the Chapter and the Emperor."

"You know what you have to do. You know what you must do. It is not the Emperor we live for it is Rogal Dorn... uurgh."

Korde took a tight grip of Syakotus' hand. "Remember this. I lived for the chapter...not the Emperor...But for the chapter, uurrgh." With that his grip of Syakotus' hand slipped away.

"You will not be forgotten my friend," Syakotus said softly, gently resting his head back down in his own blood.

Once he was back on his feet he released the catch around his wrist, letting the storm bolter drop to the stairs and down. Then, clenching his power sword with both hands, he slowly made his way up the stairs.

Chapter Twelve



Grailin coughed the dust from his mouth as he stood. The room in which he'd fallen was what looked like a basement. He bent down to pick up his power axe. The floor that it laid across was tiled with brick slabs. The smell of burnt flesh lingered in the stale air. He looked up to see the hole that he'd crashed through. He watched the Necrons march over it, armed with their deadly gauss guns. The sound of marching also came from the closed doorway ahead of where he stood. He unholstered his bolt pistol, cocking it back for the intrusion he was about to receive.

"Holy Emperor, guide me this day. Let me harness the strength I need to carry on," he said aloud to himself.

The door blew open with a blast of what sounded like bolter fire. Holding out his bolt pistol he gently eased his finger over the trigger. Smoke filled up the room, blinding him momentarily. Once he began to see through the smoke to his surprise he was surrounded by seven Grey Knight Terminators, all of which had their wrist-mounted storm bolters pointing at his head.

"Drop the weapons, NOW," the lead one warned. His voice was spoken as if he were speaking through a mega phone, with it echoing throughout the room.

Still clenching his power axe, bolt pistol aimed forwards, he watched another figure enter.

"You will not be warned again, drop the gun and axe NOW. Or you will be killed."

With that Grailin released his hold of the power axe, letting it clang to the bricked floor. Then he slowly bent forwards to put the bolt pistol down. Looking up, he watched the eighth armoured man walk to the Grey Knight who'd warned him. This man was armoured almost identical to the Grey Knights, only his armour was gold, with a huge "I" symbol at his chest.

The Grey Knight slowly stepped forwards towards him. "Put your hands at the back of your head and drop to your knees, then slowly lay face down, Astartes." Grailin did as ordered.


The Inquisitor was Rigorian of the Ordo Malleus.

"Captain Javier, lead your men into the courtyard. I want that radical dead"

Rigorian turned to his Grey Knights; "Follow me," he ordered, his voice still magnified.




Syakotus stormed from the stairway of the tower on to the roof, into the bright green glow of the Necrosphere. Stood at its side in chains was Lord Inquisitor Taharan, and behind him the radical Nathan Salvanfor.

The thrashing of the wind's whistle became drowned out from the arrival of a black Thunderhawk hovering down from the grey skies above. The three men stood watching six ropes from either side drop down. Then Space Marines clad in black armour with flames pasted to their boots and shoulders, and bones placed carefully across their black armour, began to slide down.

"It cannot be," Taharan mumbled.

Salvanfor looked into the angry face of Syakotus. "So you have come to bare witness of my ascension."

The two men watched as they heard the sound of metallic feet. Necron's filled up the courtyard by the hundreds.

"It is my time now. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaa, haa, ha," laughed Salvanfor, placing his hand across the top of the green sphere. "It is my time," he said once more.

The sphere lit up his arm with a gentle soft hum, whilst beginning to change to a lower shade of green.

And then...

The sphere became blindingly bright, the sound of a loud beating heart thudded through the brightness.


The light changed to dull again. Salvanfor was thrown from the tower and down the stairs, electrifying pain spreading across his mutated flesh and veins. He rolled down the stairs until he stopped at Prills feet. Prill looked down on him, covered over with his long dark cloak and hood covering his face.

"My master, it seems your gift as you be calling it to me is nothing more than a transformation into a deformed freak. You do not be ready, you be its puppet. And you betrayed the Imperium for this."

Salvanfor looked shocked from Prill words. "How dare you," he said in an angered tone. Prill simply looked at his fallen master.

"I dare," he replied, holding his arm down at Salvanfor. His cybernetic arm extended, with its three long needle like fingers, and smashed straight through his skull, bursting his head open in a shower of black blood and mangled up brains.

Looking down the stairs, Prill saw the dead body of the Crimson Fist Sergeant Korde. "I nearly forgot that Space Marine," he said to himself, starting up the spiral stairway


"Now the heretic has gone, release me from my prison, breathe me in."

"No I will not," bellowed Syakotus, raising up his power sword to bring it smashing down, piercing the shell of the green glowing sphere. And, just like that of his dream before he arrived on Proticou, the sphere combusted into a thousand pieces of glowing crystal, spreading across the tower's roof, knocking both Taharan and Syakotus back with the explosion that followed. Syakotus released his tight grip from his power sword only to watch it shatter into a thousand pieces itself.

Once the light of the now destroyed sphere was relinquished, Syakotus watched in horror. A giant of an apparition formed and floated upwards into the rain and wind above.

"What have I done?" he muttered to himself.

Necrons began climbing up the side of the tower towards Syakotus and Taharan.

"I am free. I am C'tan, the Necrosphere of Torment."


Taharan staggered to his feet, with his hands still cuffed together by chains, to witness the apparition appear with Captain Syakotus.

"Good god," he said, turning to the stairway, only to be greeted by Sister Periar, attired in a black cape and hood.

"Release me quick," he said, holding out his arms.

The hood fell back revealing that it was not sister Periar, but Prill.

"Do you like it? I think it makes me look young," he said, wearing the still wet face of the Sister of Battle. Prill then picked up the Inquisitor and snapped his neck like a broken twig.

Bolter shells thudded into Prill, smashing his cybernetic chest apart, and his respirator system. The freak fell backwards from the tower only to smash into pieces across the courtyard.

Commander Clotuk jumped from the rope he'd just slide down from on to the tower's roof.

Syakotus turned to face him. Holding out his hand, he attempted to grab Clotuk by the neck but was not quick enough. Clotuk jumped back from the roof, and began abseiling down the towers side, followed by the rest of the strange Space Marines.


Syakotus began to rise up from the roof and levitate, flexing his bionic and flesh arm.

"I have a body once more," he laughed out, in an unusual tone.


Grey Knight Captain Javier emerged on the tower coming from the stairway, followed by another Grey Knight. Syakotus looked down on their sudden intrusion, then dropped down to his feet.

The first Grey Knight lunged at him with his nemesis force staff slicing it into Syakotus' left shoulder pad. Looking at the blood seeping out from the new wound, he looked across at the Grey Knight taking another swing at him. Once the nemesis force rod was in reach, Syakotus grabbed a hold with his bionic hand, and yanked it towards him.

"You cannot touch me. For I am C'tan, the Necrosphere of Torment."

With that he held up the Grey Knight and slung him from the towers roof.

Javier looked in amazement at the brute strength he'd just witness. Both men stopped a moment from the sound of raging bolter fire.


After destroying the nearby Necron Commander, Clotuk began to make his way back up the tower. Engaging his throat vox unit he spoke softly: "Master Krupeus, we are ready for you. The chosen has transformed."

"Keep anyone from getting to him. I will be with you shortly."

"Yes, my Master," Clotuk said, just before disengaging his throat vox unit.


Syakotus held up the nemesis force rod he'd snatched from the fallen Grey Knight and began flipping it from hand to hand. The Grey Knight Captain Javier moved across the tower's slippery roof, over the shattered crystals towards Syakotus.

"I do not know what you are, nor do I care. But it is my duty to slay you, demon," he said, positioning himself into his attack stance.

Syakotus levitated from the dampness of the roof, spinning to face Javier. "Weak minded fool. You who serves the Imperium no more than I, C'tan the Necrosphere."

With a leap, Javier flew through the air, clenching his force staff with both hands. Syakotus blocked the attack by slamming his acquired force staff to meet Javier's head on with a clash. The sound from both men fighting carried its way across the gothic castle. The wind howled, knocking both men to the ground. Javier landed feet down, still gripping his force staff tightly. Syakotus stumbled onto his back, sliding through the smashed crystals. Javier swung his force staff down at the head of Syakotus, smashing the blade end into his bionic eye. Sparks flew out from the eye with a sizzle. Again Javier swung his force staff, aiming at Syakotus' waist but missing the ceramite, whilst he slipped on the crystals below his feet. Syakotus lunged with his force staff as though it were a spear, straight into the Grey Knight's shoulder. Then he kicked the warrior across the head, cracking his helmet on impact. Javier rolled away from the possessed Captain.

Jumping back to his feet both men then faced each other, still gripping their force staffs. Clash for clash, both men stood trying to better the other, yet both anticipating the other cautiously. Javier jumped back, then forwards, then to the side, then the other side. Syakotus tried hard to kill his opponent, but with each lunge he made Javier made the same. One jumped back then forward trying to stab at the other but neither made a mark. The rain began to fall faster, making the crystals wash away along with the blood of the dead.

Suddenly, Javier threw his force staff into Syakotus' side. The blade split straight into his ceramite, knocking him staggering back. Looking down, Syakotus saw the blood dripping down, yet he felt the wound begin to clog. "That was foolish human."

Javier removed his cracked helmet and dropped it to the floor, letting it roll over the edge. He then tilted his head in confusement.

"You truly are possessed," he said.

Syakotus threw the staff like a spear himself, only straight into the bare face of Javier. The Grey Knight Captain fell helplessly backwards over the edge of the tower, with the rain washing the blood from his face as it poured out.

From the ground below Inquisitor Rigorian watched the fallen Captain slam hard across the courtyard.

Rigorian looked up at the estranged Crimson Fist Captain, screeching out a taunting laughter. He turned to the Grey Knight at his side. "Bring the Librarian, we are leaving. we will destroy the very soil of this damned planet," he said, leading the Grey Knights away.


The black Space Marines surrounded the possessed body of Syakotus, waiting for the arrival of the new Thunderhawk descending from the rain clouds above. Clotuk removed his skull like helmet revealing his bare white flesh.

The ramp of the approaching Thunderhawk opened with Krupeus stood at its edge. Syakotus looked up watching. "And who are you?" he asked.

"To you I have no name. all you need to know from me is I lead the damned."

Syakotus looked back at the surrounding Space Marines. With a flash they were gone.




Grailin looked back at the tower ,thinking of his Captain and his fate. With a bang the tower exploded, taking the rest of the gothic castle with the blast. He watched as the tower crumbled and smashed into the rock face before splashing hard into the thrashing waves below.

Without warning he felt a sharp pain slam into his back, forcing him up the ramp of the oversized silver and gold decorated Thunderhawk.

"Move, Astartes," the Grey Knight behind him forcefully said, Shoving him forwards. He almost stumbled from the chains shackled to his legs, and up to his Librarian blue armoured wrists.





Ten weeks had passed since the events at Proticou.

The fortress monastery of the Crimson Fists chapter was built high up within the mountains of Ryan's World. Inside the monastery Grailin stood alone, within the centre of the Chapter Master's throne room. He stood attired only in crimson sackcloth, looking up at the beautiful images of the angels pasted within the pillars that reached high up to the long ceiling above. The floor that Grailin stood upon was made of pure marble, stained with the colour of black.

Whilst Grailin stood alone waiting for the Chapter Master Pedro Kantor to give him his penitence, all one hundred and twenty eight Marines of the First Company stood together in full battle armour, looking on at him. The atmosphere was some what quiet. if a pin were to drop it would be heard throughout the entire throne room.

Grailin looked up at the sound of armoured feet marching from the other-sized doorway at the far wall's centre. Although his head remained tilted down he watched Chaplain Quornas enter, clad in black armour and carrying his Crozius with one hand. His helmet was moulded like that of a human skull, with red beady eyes glowing in the low light. Behind Quornas entered the chapter's Chief of librarians. Both men stood at either side of Pedro's throne.

Then a third figure emerged from the darkness of the doorway, adorned only in crimson sackcloth from his hood to his feet.

Grailin turned towards the throne, watching the figure sit within the golden chair.

There was more ghostly silence for a few more moments.

Then: "Grailin, do you understand why you have been convened here before me?" the man asked.

Grailin raised his head, but only slightly.

"I do, Chapter Master," came his whispered reply.

"Good, then I shall begin," started the Chapter Master.

"You have been brought here before me for the disgrace you have brought upon the chapter." Pedro began to rest both of his hands on each of the golden throne's arm rests.

"It is because of your ignorance of informing me that one of the greatest Captains this chapter has ever had had become stressed with visions of this demonic sphere, which has now led to his death."

"He is not dead," Grailin said, interrupting.

Pedro rose up to his feet.

"As far as we are concerned he is dead. Because of you. We have an entire fleet of Grey Knights orbiting Ryan's world to ensure we do not leave while the Inquisition investigates US."

Grailin stepped back slightly.

"They are even investigating our gene-banks. Not to forget you were returned to me in shackles. We, who are amongst the loyalest within the Imperium, have now been disgraced."

Grailin bowed his head once more. "I am prepared to accept my penitence."

Pedro stepped down from the throne and closer towards Grailin. "It is not that simple. Because of your actions I have lost the entire fifth company, including the battle cruiser Forge Hand and the company captain." Turning his back to Grailin, Pedro began walking back to the throne.

"I have spoken with the Librarians and Librarian Master of Librarian's. It is their decision that you are no longer worthy to wear the light blue armour that they represent. Thus your armour will be painted the traditional dark blue of the chapter." Pedro sat back in his throne, resting his arms again on the arm rests. "Because of this disgrace the only punishment left to give is exile."

Grailin looked up. "I understand, Chapter Master."

"You will atone for what you have done. But it will be alone. I task you with an oath, and that oath is you will fight in the name of the Crimson Fist chapter until the day you are killed or die. Therefore, it is my decision that you may keep the chapter markings. But only so that you will be recognised."

"Your word is law, Chapter Master," Grailin said in an almost silent whisper.

"Understand me when I say this to you Grailin: You will never be allowed to return here to Ryan's world. As of now you are an outcast."

The whole of the throne room echoed from the Crimson Fists First Company turning their backs to Grailin.


Quornas walked over to Grailin, then began to escort him from the fortress monastery. Once both men were clear of the throne room Quornas removed his helmet. Grailin looked into the eyes of the old veteran.

"If by any chance you find Syakotus, and he has good in his heart, maybe you can guide him. I do not know how this tragedy has befallen him."

"We Work In The Dark. We Do What We Can To Battle The Monsters That Would Otherwise Destroy Us... Yet Sometimes the Weight of This Burden Causes Us to Bend and Falter, Allowing Evil To Breach The Fragile Fortress Of Our Mind. Allowing the Monsters Without To Turn Within. And We Are Left alone, staring into the Abyss... into The Laughing Face of Madness," Grailin said, looking back at the long and narrow face of Quornas.

"Though I understand your words that Syakotus may have faltered, I do not believe him a heretic," finished Quornas, before turning his back to Grailin.

"You may take one of the gun cutters," he said, walking away.





Etheane stood motionlessly. There was nothing but total darkness surrounding him and his prisoner, who sat strapped down on a chrome chair. Etheane was adorned in only black sackcloth, wearing a hood that drooped down, cover all of his face from sight.

The prisoner was clad in dark blue ceramite armour, except that one pf his hands was coloured in crimson.

"Where are you from?" asked Etheane, slowly circling the chair.

"I do not know," answered the prisoner.

"How did you get here?"

"I do not know."

"What are you?"

"I do not understand your question."

Etheane stopped circling the chair. "The question is simple. What are you?" he asked again.

The prisoner looked up. "I do not understand your question," he said once more.

"The question is rhetorical. Are you human?"

"I do not know. If my appearance looks human then I guess that I am Human."

"Who made you what you are today? What paths led to you being here before me at this point in time?"

The prisoner looked up at Etheane.

"I...I cannot remember," he answered.

"Do you have any memories?"

"Memories, what are they?"

Etheane began to slowly walk away from his prisoner. "A memory is something from your past. Something historical to you. A place or a time that you see."

"Then I have none."

Etheane left the darkness, leaving the prisoner alone.

Moments later Krupeus entered the darkness of the room, holding a tall staff that helped him to walk. The prisoner watched Krupeus approach from what he could see within the darkness of the room.

Krupeus stood over the prisoner watching him sit motionlessly.

"What is your name?" he asked, watching the prisoner's expressionless face.

" not know," he replied.

Krupeus bent over, looking directly into his face.

"I will tell you your name. Your name is Syakotus. And you were once from the Crimson Fists."

Syakotus looked up, his face still remained expressionless.

"Do you know why you are here?" Krupeus asked, stepping back.

"I do not."

"You are here because you were possessed. But you are not any more," Krupeus explained whilst he unstrapped Syakotus from the chair.

"What happened to make me this way? Why am I no longer possessed?"

"There are some things that I cannot answer."

"What will I do now?"

"You are free to go."

"Go where?"

"You have one last journey to take."

" not understand."

"You will."

Syakotus closed his eye, trying hard to remember something, yet nothing.

"Some of your memories will return to you in time," Krupeus said, turning away from Syakotus to leave.

Syakotus watched Krupeus as he began to disappear from his sight.

"Who are you?" he then asked.

Krupeus turned to answer. "You do not need to know my name. What I will tell you is that, like you, I am cursed."

Krupeus turned away from Syakotus, and began to leave, but stopped.

"I lead the damned," he replied.




The only things that remained of Proticou was the asteroid field that was once the planet. All trace of Proticou had been expunged, as had that of the events of what had happened on Proticou.




Across the darkness of the universe the stars seemed to shine that much more brightly. It was almost as though the stars themselves were mourning the loss of heroes who had given their lives.