Children Of The Blood



920 919 M41 The first of the imperial fleet begins to arrive in the newly discovered Domorius Secundus System, Leading the crusade Warmaster Sanlowe has ordered The Armadius to make orbit around the unexplored world of Karian V. The main fleet follow.


Day One
0:700 hours Earth standard time.


Fleet Admiral Ploughman stood high up on his stratagem looking on at the large view screen that loomed over the long bridge of The Armadius looking on at the stars which lit up the darkness surrounding them, he tugged slightly on his naval blue storm coat, of which he wore half open. At his side stood Commissar Branigan, a staunch determined man and yet honourable especially for a commissar. The Commissar stood in silence watching the crew. The bridge was busy with activity; naval officers manned their posts, while servitors scurried across the deck maintaining the operations consoles.

“Ten minutes before we reach Karian V.” Announced First officer Commander Declan his voice deep.

“Very good Commander.” Ploughman replied.

“How long before the remainder of the fleet arrives.” Brannigan asked.

The commander looked down at his console viewing the route they’d taken and the time frame in which they had vacated the warp, then at the travel path of the other cruiser’s that had been called to join the Admiral’s fleet.

“We’re about an hour ahead of the fleet Commissar.” Commander Declan replied.

The Armadius, was the flagship of the battle fleet Typhus Gamma, sent ahead of the full fleet and was set to chart a new unexplored system. The large planet they were headed for had been named Karian V and would be taking orbital command around the cloudy planet and its two moons from here they would set a base of orbital operations which would lead to the mechanicus’s arrival to build a new spaceport. In the previous months a detachment of scout vessels had charted the new system, and discovered the planet of Karian V. Now a report had been sent to the High Lords of Terror. Warmaster Sanlowe had been given overall command of charting the worlds within the system. Sanlowe had ordered The Armadius ahead of the fleet to make its presence known. However the High Lords have also requested the Inquisition of the Ordo Xenos make their presence known to the system.

Admiral Ploughman watched the planet karian V coming into sight wondering what they would discover on this world. The scouts that came here first only returned with the basics of the planets atmosphere blue skies and an oxygenated atmosphere, with a few maps of the planets locations which was much help to chart the planet. Yet Ploughman felt confident, with a compliment of five thousand guard units waiting in the belly of his ship that anything offensive on this world would soon yield.

“Sir we’ve reached orbital status.” Commander Declan said.

“Very good commander. Have Colonel Wilson informed he’s to make his regiment ready for planet side.” Ploughman ordered.

“Aye sir.” Commander Declan replied.




45 minutes later.

Admiral Ploughman watched from his command pulpit on the bridge as the Valkyrie’s began to descend into the planet Karian’s atmosphere. An entire regiment of Cavolians Guardsmen occupied the sixty Valkyries. Following them where his fleet of Star dasher fighter’s to escort the craft around the orbit of Karian V. 

“Valkyries have began their main descent Admiral. Leader one has entered atmosphere of Karian V. They report nothing out of the ordinary sir.” Lieutenant Rashman had said.

“Very good lass keep a channel open anyway.” Ploughman said.

“Aye sir.” Rashman replied in her stoic voice.

Commissar Brannigan leant down to Ploughman’s ear unbuttoning some of his bottons as he did.

“Perhaps we should have the drop ships carrying the Catachan’s made ready for immediate dispersal. The Forest’s at the east of the drop site are rather large.” He said his voice firm.

Ploughman turned to face the commissar his pulpit moving with him.

“First I think it wise we see the mainland layout before dropping those death world fighter’s in. Colonel Wilson needs to establish his main base of operations before directing further regiments. However I am sure if he needs reinforcements he will call for them.” Ploughman explained.

“I still think it can’t hurt to deploy further forces into the planet. After all we have picked up multiple life signs. It is our duty to make sure the imperial forces are not compromised no matter the situation.” Brannigan retorted.

“Perhaps. But for now I will stick with the plan in mid. After all my orders come from Warmaster Sanlowe himself. Commissar.”

Commissar Brannigan stepped back from the command pulpit and straightened his commissarial cap.

“Admiral we are picking up multiple signs of life in the drop site area. I have relayed this information to Colonel Wilson’s lead Valkyrie.” Commander Declan announced.

“Very good commander. Do we have any more tactical, we can offer Wilson?” Ploughman replied.

“Not as yet Admiral.” Commander Declan replied. 

“Very well. Commander have Major Straffern drop down to Karian V perhaps it’s wise we use the Catachan’s to back up Wilsons main division. After all he will probably be grateful of the assistance and in accordance the Catachan’s were to be deployed planet side anyway.” Ploughman said.

“Aye sir.” Commander Declan replied.

Ploughman noted the smile brace Commissar Brannigan’s face once his order had been given. He mused to himself he’d made the stoic man smile a little.




Data displays flickered from the motion of the carrier as it descended from the sky at such a rapid speed. Colonel Wilson felt each vibration from the turbulence that rocked the large carrier watching the screens fizz in and out of clarity. The Carrier would drop then level then drop and with each motion Colonel Wilson felt his stomach wrench. The troops sat strapped tightly into their seats in two rows one on each side of the vessel. Wilson mused at some of their faces with the pulling G Force. At his side sat Major McIntyre his eyes closed his las gun resting on his pale legs. The Major wore a red beret on top of his head with the eagle’s emblem signifying the regiment The Ryson’s first Airborne.


“30 seconds before ground level.” Came the pilots voice over the speakers

Another drop in descent and Major McIntyre woke up with a shudder  instantly looking up to see Colonel Wilson grinning at him. The lights across the large carrier flickered off and on with another drop this time the drop came deeper and longer. The vessel its self shuddered and the guardsmen felt the full throttle followed by their stomachs wrenching.

“20 seconds.” Came the pilots voice again.

Colonel Wilson turned to his read outs watching the clarity of the screens flicker on and off with each vibrating shudder. Again the lights went on and off.

“Do they have to frakking do that.” McIntyre complained.

“What’s up Major you got the ee bee gee bee’s.” Trooper Braks laughed.

Wilson and the rest laughed loudly at Braks comments.

“I hope you like press ups trooper brak.” McIntyre laughed.

“10 seconds.” Called the pilot.

“Ready yourselves of departure men.” Wilson called out.

The Valkyrie carrier slammed into the ground with a force that juddered across the whole vessel on touchdown its large legs taking in most of the impact Wilson felt the shudder as his knees wobbles on the impact.

“Okay ladies get your harness off and lets move out and see what awaits us.” McIntyre bellowed.

The large ramp lowered with a grinding and hissing of pistons forcing the heavy bulk down slowly yet still it slammed hard on the grassy soil outside. Colonel Wilson was the first to step off the giant carrier. He surveyed the area once off the ramp he admired the site of the other carriers still descending from the sky like a fleet of birds hunting for food. Behind him Major McIntyre a tall well built man approached holding out his Auxpex scanning for foreign life signs.

“Anything.” Wilson asked.

“nothing but blue skies sir.” Came the Majors answer.

Both men watched as two more Valkyrie carriers touched down on the ground near by. The sound of the roaring engines was almost deafening  forcing both men to shield their eyes from the hit gush of air once the thrusters began to cut out.

The guardsmen disembarked from their carriers and began spreading out across the large fields moving rapidly to secure a circular parameter. A group of Leman rush battle tanks drove from their carriers followed by five sentinel walkers all armed with las cannons.

The Vox officer Mansoon came running up to both Colonel Wilson and Major McIntyre.

“Colonel I’ve got Admiral Ploughman on the line.” He said.

The Colonel took the hand receiver from Mansoon.

“Colonel Wilson here.”

“Colonel we’ve picked up multiple signs of movement headed into the eastern forests. Captain Volt and his Catachans will be parachuting into the area. It’s possible they may be landing in a hostile area. Its probably wise you prepare for rapid movement to reinforce them should the situation arise.” Ploughmans voice said crackling over the vox bead.

“Understood Admiral. But surely  the Catachan’s are more than capable of looking after themselves.”

“Perhaps but we don’t know what it is moving towards them our main scanners are picking up large amounts of interference.”

“Okay understood Admiral.”

The Colonel looked towards the Major.

“what is it sir.” McIntyre asked.

“Could be trouble have a detachment ready to move out to the eastern forests.  You may have to assist the Catachan’s.”




Captain Corchek was one of the first to land between the tall tree’s of the forest he felt the impact of the ground hit his knees hard then rolled to his side swiftly cutting the strings to his chute before taking his Boltgun in a firm grip at his side Sergeant Mortif rushed up holding a chainsword and las pistol firmly in his hands. A further group of Catachans dropped between the trees readying themselves for anything oncoming. Jargan the Vox officer rushed up to Corchek’s side.

“Sir got that Admiral ploughman wanting a chat.”

The Captain took the vox bead placing it to his camouflaged face.

“Aye Admiral.”

“Be on the ready Captain you’ve got incoming movement in your area we can’t determine what but its moving fast.”

Corchek looked up at the sounds of rustling leaves his eyes widened at the sight of a green beam emerge from behind the tall trees ahead.

“What the.”




Admiral ploughman remained in his command pulpit speaking to the Catachan Captain at his side stood Commissar Brannigan.

“Be on the ready Captain you’ve got incoming movement in your area we can’t determine what but its moving fast.” The Admiral had said.

“What the.” Captain Corchek had said before he heard a crackle across the vox channel.

“Captain report.” He asked rising up in his command pulpit.

“Cap un’s down multiple shots’” came the voice of Sergeant Mortif.

“REPORT.” Bellowed Ploughman. The crew manning the bridge all looked up at the sound of his voice then the screeching of static.

“Admiral we need immediate evac. I repeat we need immediate evac.”

“Report your status what’s your situation can you identify your attackers.” Ploughman bellowed into the com.

“Necro……” the com line burst into a squeal of high pitch whining before it fell silent.

“Call me a cenacle but I believe he said Necron’s” Commissar Brannigan said. Ploughman noticed the Commissar had gone a pale shade of white.

“We’re going to need help Admiral.” Came a third voice.

The tech priest Adept Shyro entered the bridge her cogitators whining and hissing as she moved.

“Sir A warp opening it’s the fleet.” Called Commander Declan.

“Situation and status Commander.” Ploughman called across the bridge.

“The Apollo and the Vengeful Reason have emerged.” The commander paused.

“Sir I’m not picking up life signs. Both cruisers are lifeless.”






Chapter One

Day One
Into The Fray


21:00 Hours Earth Standard Time


“It is not always easy to determine the foe at hand for if they are soulless beings, our task may well be wrought, it does not mean we cannot prevail, yet it is better we stand firm and hold our lines for there is no place in this galaxy for the xenos filth soulless or not.”  Warmanster Nathanial Sanlowe 



Inquisitor Kyroe stood by the long narrow window of the observation deck, staring at the stars her reflection in the glass gave the impression it was looking straight back. Kytoe’s hair was aan ebony colour with a hint of a blue tint,it hung down her back in a neat plat with an I symbol at the base. She admired her youthful features. Her attention was broke by the sight of Inquisitor Kelvin Everman approaching her side, his long shadow loomed across the metallic floor as he moved under the dim lighting letting the shadow shrink the closer he approached. Kyroe turned to great him with a smile. Everman was much older and walked with a bionic leg that had replaced his left the pistons hissing with each motion followed by the sound of metal clanging on metal. His right hand had also been replaced with a bionic metallic finely sculpted replacement. His face was rough with leathery skin, with a deep series of scares to his left cheek and chin. Kyroe knew the scares had come from an encounter with a brood of genestealers.

“What can I do for you Kelvin.” She asked.

Everman stopped at her side to admire the stars a moment himself, placing his left hand on her shoulder.

“We’ve received a report from the Crusade fleet in the Domorius Secundas system. The reports are sketchy at best as interference from the warp has troubled the communication relays.” Everman explained, his voice was low and soft.

“What do these reports say. I assume that’s your here.” Kyroe quizzed.

Everman sighed looking from the window to meet her blue eyes.

“It’s more than a simple investigation Kyroe An Admiral Ploughman has requested aide.he’s used his astropath to send a communiqué. The Admiral has sent reports from the guard units from the planet Karian V From what we’ve received it appears to be the Necron’s.” Everman cleared his throat.

Kyroe rubbed her chin with her gloved hand letting Everman remove his hand from her shoulder.

“Holy Emperor One thing I know of these being’s is they are unrelenting and almost unstoppable.”

“Your too take a Deathwatch kill team into the Domorius Secundas System and engage the Necron threat. I would prefare an Astartes presence there. I have issued an order for Captain Tiberius to rendevouz here, and from here you’ll enter the Domorius Secundas System.” Everman explained his voice slightly rising.

“My good friend the Astartes Chaplain is already aboard the station and is more than happy to aide you into the Domorius System.” Everman added.

Kytoe bowed her head slightly admiring the craftsmanship of Everman’s bionic leg, she turned back to the long window her expression of fear looking back at her.

“What Am I to do once there?” She asked.

“Find away of eliminating the threat. Be warned though Warmaster Sanlowe may want to take glory in fighting this battle. This is an Inquisitorial matter for the Ordo Xenos and you answer only to the Ordo Xenos. Do not let the Warmaster bait you into taking glory. Use your Deathwatch team as you see fit in destroying the Necron threat.” Everman explained.

Kyroe turned to meet him head on and gave a rye smile.

“When do I leave.”

Everman turned to leave the observation lounge and turned slightly to answer her.

“As soon as the Kill Team arrive.” With that he’d left the room.

Kryroe turned back to view the star’s. She’d spent twenty years under Kelvin Everman’s tutelage and was honoured he’d put this responsibility in her hands but yet she found her self wondering if she was ready for this.




The Domorius Secundus System.
Orbit Of New Planet Karian V


Commander Declan watched his monitor with anticipation at the two Imperial cruisers checking over his scans of both vessels over and over. Yet he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of panic at his findings. He looked up across the bridge, watching while the crew maintained their dignity in the face of what was happening. He knew very little of the Necron’s but what he did know was they were to be feared.

“Commander do we have a report on the situation with the Apollo and Vengeful Reason as yet.” Admiral Ploughman called out from his command pulpit.

“Not as yet Sir.” The commander replied.

“Okay. Start to prepare a boarding detail.”

Suddenly the systems lights flashed catching the commander’s eyes, he looked down to see both ships now had life signs. He checked again and sure enough both vessels had multiple life signs.

“Admiral both vessels are reading life signs should I try to raise them on the com.” He asked.

   “Do so Commander.” Ploughman replied.

The Admiral rose from his command pulpit cursing the warp, Commissar Brannigan remained at his side watching the crew below.

“It’s not so good when there’s a time delay from the warp. I’ve seen ships come out before without the presence of the crew. It’s a bad omen gentlemen.” The Tech Priest Shyro explained in her mechanical voice.

The Admiral placed both his hands on the balcony’s hand rail that overlooked the bridge below.

“You may be right of course but my main concern is getting the rest of the guard regiments planet side. We need to establish a stronghold before the Warmaster gets here. And I’m sure the Inquisition will aide us in this confrontation.” Ploughman said.

“What makes you say that Admiral.” Shyro asked her voice a low mono tone.

The Admiral turned to face her, she wore a red cloak that drooped down to the floor what looked like a hand of pincers appeared from the centre of the cloak. Her face was mostly hidden under her hood yet one of her eyes still remained human while the other was an ogmatic implant, her mouth and nose had been replaced by what looked like a rebreather mask. Ploughman couldn’t help but wonder how much of her was still human.

“Because I have just received a reply from the Astropath saying they are coming. An Inquisitor Kyroe of the Ordo Xenos will be joining us shortly. As you quite rightly said we need help with the situation of Karian V.”

“They will come with their Astartes.” The Commissar questioned.

“Oh they will come with the Deathwatch Commissar make no mistake of that.” Shyro answered.

“Admiral we’re getting reports that Colonel Wilson has now engaged the Necron threat. I can’t get full details as much of the transmission has been distorted. But it is clear they are under attack.” Commander Declan called out from below.

“We need to get the remainder of the guard regiments planet side to assist. Also I need some targeting arrays we need to be able to use our battery guns on those enemy targets.” Ploughman grunted.

“Sir I have Captain Yung from the Apollo on the com for you.” Interrupted Lieutenant Barclay.

“Then patch him through lad will you.”

“Aye sir.”

The Admiral sat back into his command pulpit and switched on his monitor the screen moaned into life yet the clarity faded in and out before the pale face of Captain Yung appear. Ploughman noted the reds around the Captains eyes which told him they’d experienced something coming from the warp itself.

“Admiral I have just received the reports from Karian V I’m not really aware of the Necrons except I know of them by reputation. I have ordered the Chem Dogs regiment to launch an immediate offensive but I cannot give a location for them to land as my systems seem to have some difficulty on locating anything below.” Yung explained in a low and yet cumbersome voice.

“Captain is everything ok. We seemed to have had some trouble picking up your life signs. How was your descent from the warp.”

“We had minor problems nothing really to report of our gedda field fluxuated but maintained an except able level. And we’ve been here all the time.”

“Very well Captain. Send in your regiment of Chem Dogs at location four zero niner. They will be better able to assist the Ryson’s first airborne. It would appear all hell has broken out below. Yet the reports we’re receiving are sketchy at best. There’s a lot of interference coming from Karian V.”

“Understood Admiral Yung out.”




Karian V
Western Fringe


Colonel Wilson watched in horror at the sight of marching metal droids carrying green glowing gauss guns, they headed straight for his defensive line. At his side stood Captain Becks and Lieutenant Hershey. The Leman Rush battle tanks had already engaged the mechanical beings but to no avail. The creatures sent flying objects to attack the tanks and though he had faith in his armoured division even he had to admit the battle tanks were no match for the Necron flyers. The spider looking things tore into the armoured tanks cutting them apart with such ease it horrified him to the stomach. The sound of gauss blasts began to echo across the field followed by the sounds of the firing las guns from his regiment.

It didn’t take long before a fog of smoke and exploding tanks covered the area followed by the thunderous echo of heavy weapon’s fire. Captain Beck’s looked up to see the valkyrie carriers make what looked like a bombing run towards the soulless beings ploughing heavy weapons fire into their lines. Some of the beings were blown apart in balls of flames. The explosions rocked the ground in small quakes.

“Captain take charge of the front line and damn well hold for as long as you can.” Wilson bellowed above the raging sounds that surrounded them.

The three men looked up to see one of the valkyries explode. The sound was thunderous and the explosion tore the vessel apart in a large ball of flames that fell below into the guardsmen setting many of them alight on contact.

The Captain unholstered both his las pistols and charged forwards into the defending line or what was left of it.

“Do we know if Major McIntyre has made it to the forest’s yet.” Wilson asked looking at his Vox operator Mansoon.

“Sir I cannot pick up any communiqués there’s some kind of dampening field blocking all vox traffic. I’ve even lost contact with the Armadius.” Mansoon explained.

“Sir we’re not going to hold out much longer against them we need to start a withdrawal to a better defensive position. Until we get further aide that is.” Lieutenant Hershey put in.

Again another Valkyrie exploded then a third followed by a fourth, the explosions were spectacular if anything. Guards men fled out of the way from the falling debris letting it smash hard into the grassy field the sound thudded loudly creating another quake across the field.

“I concur with you Lieutenant.” Wilson grimaced seconds before a large explosion tore the ground from below their feet.


Chapter Two
Call to arms


“There is no honour in fighting; the honour comes with the courage each individual holds in their very hearts.” Captain Tiberius Of the Blood Angels


Day three
0:600 hours standard Earth time.



Ordo Xenos Space Station Bajorius sectioned in deep space.


Brother Iram moved across the training hall with a speed and swiftness each motion made was calculated. He held his jousting staff firm each end maintained a wooden hammer which weighed the training weapon down, Yet Brother Iram of the Silver Skull’s wielded it as though it were a mere feather in his hands. The training Servitor had been built for speed, yet each attack it made towards the Silver Skull failed to make contact.
Iram ducked parried blocked and finally landed one end into the Servitor’s fleshed face, blood spurted from it’s nose forcing it to stagger back. Again Iram landed a blow across it’s face knocking it to the ground. Iram leaped over the fallen servitor dropping his staff letting it clang to the ground. The Silver Skull dropped down beside the training servitor and landed his left fist into the half flesh half mechanical face crushing it’s skull under the power of his black gauntleted hands. The Servitor’s head combust across the floor like a squashed fly been swatted.

Iram rose to his feet barely losing a breath and looked about the training hall, he bent down to take his jousting staff and turned to return it to its holding stand. Iram longed for the days he could return to his chapter, though it was an honour to be selected into the Deathwatch he couldn’t help but feel as though he’d been exiled though he knew he had not. It had been two year’s since he’d last seen a fellow brother from the silver skulls. The two year’s had felt like a lifetime making his longing to return to his chapter more intense. He’d never trusted the Inquisition and yet he was under the command of the Ordo Xenos, he couldn’t help but feel the irony.

Iram began to place the jousting staff back onto its holder when he heard the sound of approaching foot steps.

“Aye brother you giving up already.” Came the voice of Brother Skah.

Iram looked across to see the Flesh Tearer approach his helm at his waist. Skah went to take one of the jousting staff’s for himself.

“I have not given in brother I have merely ran out of training servitors to kill.” Iram had said sarcastically.

Skah laughed while taking his own staff.

“Then why not fight an equal opponent then.”

Iram laughed out loudly himself still holding his staff he walked into the centre of the hall still laughing at the Flesh Tearer’s taunting. The other warrior had a paler face and his eye’s always seemed blood shot red his hair was short well cropped and tightly cut to his head. Both men stood facing one another in the hall both wielding their jousting staff’s.

Skah gave a wry smirk in the face of his brother Silver Skull watching as the other tilted his head down as if in prayer moments before making the first strike.  Skah leant back to avoid the strike making contact using his own staff to greet Iram’s. Both weapon’s clanged together making a thud of dull wood hitting dull wood. Skah made to side step but again found he’d been blocked by his opponent, forcing him back again. Yet Skah anticipated his fellow brother’s next move and ducked avoiding a fatal head strike whilst using his own staff to swipe across at Iram’s feet knocking the Silver Skull down to his backside.

Skah danced backwards in a victory dance.

“Make it best of three, Silver Skull.” Skah taunted.

Iram pulled himself back to his feet eyeing his opponent up with ease. If anything he’d learned about skah in the year they had been together was he became over confident.

“Aye brother.” Iram retorted.

Without giving his Flesh Tearer brother chance he slammed the hammer ended staff into his face drawing blood on impact across his nose. Skah stumbled back almost losing his balance in the process.

“Oh I’ll give you that Silver Skull.”

Iram leapt backwards wielding his staff cautiously knowing now Skah would fight harder. And make his next move more so aggressive. Again both warriors locked staff’s each parrying off the other’s attack while stepping to the side and swiping low or high and with precision each warrior met the other’s attack head on. Iram felt the aggression in each attack while he himself used precision and planned each swipe. Skah however did not and it began to show in his face. Yet Iram met each block and swipe with a block.

Skah noted Iram’s over confidence and used it to his advantage by swiping low on the bottom end of his jousting staff yet Iram met the attack with a block. Skah now had him where he wanted him and rose the upper end of the staff landing in Iram’s face drawing blood from his lips.

Iram staggered back still keeping a firm grip of his staff with one hand while wiping the blood from his lip with the other.

“Now we’re even.” Skah retorted.

“And I suggest you both leave it that way in the name of fair play.”

Both Iram and Skah looked up to see the hooded figure of Brother Librarian Augusta of the Salamander’s watching.

Iram ran his hand across his bold scalp bowing to Skah in the name of good sportsmanship, while Skah did the same.

“Aye Augusta is correct.” Skah said with a fine smile.

“What is it that brings you here Salamander.” Asked Skah.

“We are to be ready for departure within the next few hour’s Inquisitor Kelvin Everman wants to brief us on our next mission.” Augusta explained.

“Then let us clean up and we’ll meet you in the briefing room then.” Iram replied.

Augusta watched both warriors leave the training hall through his deep red eye’s before leaving himself.




Captain Tiberius stood alone wearing only a cowl around his groin his long black hair hung neatly halfway down his back covering a series of scar’s made by a hive tyrant in a previous encounter aboard a hive ship. Tiberius walked across to were his black armour hung still dripping water from his shower across the marble floor with each step. It had been many year’s since he’d wore his armour the colour of his chapter the Blood Angels. He’d resigned himself to the service of the Deathwatch for however long that may well be. His one concern was the fate all Blood Angels faced the red thirst. He only hoped if he were to succumb to his fate that time would be after his return to his chapter.

His door opened to his quarters letting a beam of bright light flood its way across the floor of the almost darkness that shrouded his residence. Tiberius watched the figure of Inquisitor Kelvin Everman emerge. The Inquisitors leg stumped across the floor with a clang each step he took.

Tiberius knew Kelvin well he’d served with the Inquisitor for five years now and faced some of the vilest xenos filth together, including numerous battles against the Tyranid splinter cells and marauding Orcs or plain old genestealer broods that occupied some of the Hive’s.

“Have you ever heard of knocking Kelvin.” Tiberius questioned.

Both men simply laughed. The door closed once Everman had entered the quarters of Captain Tiberius.

“What brings you here Kelvin. I’m sure it wasn’t to watch me attire my armour.”

“No.” Everman smiled.

“I’ll not be coming with you on this operation Tiberius. Instead my old apprentice Inquisitor Kyroe will be leading the mission. She’s very reliable and honest. I trust her with my life. Plus she has what I lack. And that’s youth.”

Tiberius sat on the side of his cot taking a towel to dry his muscular skin and rubbing his chest dry. Everman noted the man scars adorned on the Astartes flesh, and the tattoo of the wings with a singular blood drop in between at his left shoulder.

“I assume the threat is great.” Tiberius quizzed.

“Necron’s my friend.”

“What I know of the Necron’s is only what I have learnt within the libraries of the Ordo Xenos.”

“Don’t worry I have another friend a Chaplain who is well versed in the Necron’s from the Crimson Fists, he’ll be joining your kill team. If anything he is very experienced, he lost his company Captain to them. I believe it was Captain Syakotus of the fifth company of Crimson Fists.”

“I have not heard of Captain Syakotus, but if the Crimson Fist has good insight then his wisdom and advice will be most welcomed. Though I have to admit this will be my first meeting of a Crimson Fist.”

Everman rose to his feet and went for the door again the light flooded across the darkness of the room, covering half of Tiberius in light, while leaving half of him in a blanket of darkness. Everman noted the evil look it left upon the Blood Angel Captain.

“They are a staunch bunch proud and honourable. And very stealthy.” The door closed leaving the Captain alone again in his aura of darkness. He looked at his armour and began his rituals before adorning it.




Inquisitor Kyroe entered the briefing room the door closed behind her with a thud and she turned to face the Deathwatch Astartes in the room. In the far corner stood her Vindicar Assassin his face masked as always and wearing his black armoured suit. He gave her a slight nod on her entrance and in kind she returned the nod. Stood in the far corner was the hooded Librarian she knew he was from the Salamander’s chapter. Kyroe felt his eyes glaring at her from under his black hood on his mouth and chin were visible, leaving an aura of mystery about the tall warrior.

Altogether there were twelve warriors of the Deathwatch all of different chapter’s none of them wore the helms and all but the Librarian wore their armour. The Blood Angel Captain stood in the far corner his long hair hung down past his shoulders and his arms remained folded. Two others from her retinue sat forwards of the Deathwatch, Dakka the gun slinger and Volt a warrior from the world of Necromis.

“I have been tasked with leading you into the newly discovered system Domorius Secundas and to a planet named Karian V. The First of the Imperial Navy within the Crusade have made orbit around the planet itself and have discovered the world harbours a race of soulless beings the Necron’s.” She began to explained.

Kyroe noted the Crimson Fist Chaplain stood alone in the shadows at the rear of the room. His face that of a skull masterly sculpted with two glowing yellow eyes that she felt boring into her own. She was told by Everman that this warrior was vital to the mission due to his experience with the soulless creatures.

“Chaplain Quornas what can you tell us about the Necron’s?” She asked.

The Chaplain stepped out from the shadows his armour gleaming with purity seals that boasted of his service to his chapter and the Imperium.

“I can tell you this. They are not to be under estimated. Soulless and almost neon unstoppable.” He replied in a deep gruff voice.

“We’re to leave immediately to the Domorius Secundas system and eliminate the threat. I have been tasked with leading the operation. Any Questions?” Kyroe asked.

“Yeah I have one.” Asked Skah the Flesh Tearer.

The group all looked towards him waiting for him to continue.

“What happens if we accidently shoot Brother Grovek here of the iron hands. It could be hard to tell the difference between him and them.” He continued.

Grovek the iron hands Techmarine grunted in his metallic monotone voice.

“I’ll be the first one crushing the foul scum.” He then said. His voice spoken in a monotone sound.

Kyroe couldn’t help herself but see the humour in the Flesh Tearer’s words.

“I think it is time we readied ourselves brothers.” Captain Tiberius said moving to the front of the room to stand at Kyroe’s side.

With that there was a clanging of armoured feet rising as the group of Astartes rose to their feet.




Inquisitor Everman watched from the observation lounge as the Black Heart departed from the Bajorius space station and began its journey into deep space to enter the warp and head for the Domorius Secundas system.

“What troubles me is there have been no reports of Necron space farring vessels. It leaves me somewhat curious of why they Necron’s are on karian V and that they were already awakened.” Said a voice from deep in the shadows of the Observation lounge.

“I am sure we will discover all this in good time.” Everman had said his eyes not leaving the sight of the now distant Black Heart.




Chapter Three
Broken Lines


“In time’s of conflict we may find our line’s broken and our spirits shattered, but it is these times that put our courage and honour to the truest of test’s that are laid before us. If in such time’s we become lost, the strongest and most cunning will prevail and soon we’ll know our path and follow it.” Warmaster Nathaniel Sanlowe


Day Six
10:00 hours Earth standard time.




Domorius Secundas System Orbit Of Karian V


Admiral Ploughman sat firm in his command pulpit watching as five hundred Imperial Nacal vessel’s emerge from the warp, a sight of ore a fleet that size was all but neon unstoppable. The Admiral noted at the centre of the fleet one of the largest vessel’s he’d ever seen commanded the crusade fleet. The Warmonger, this was the ship Warmaster Nathanial Sanlowe commanded the fleet from. He wondered what the Warmaster would make of the situation of Karian V, no doubt he would soon learn of that fact.

The tech Priest Shyro stood at the side of the command pulpit alongside Commissar Brannigan the ships Commissar. Under the current circumstance Ploughman had ordered guards across the Armadius on the off chance a Necron vessel would appear and try to board his ship. Though in truth there would be very little his crew could do to fight such a foe.

Within minutes the Imperial Crusade fleet had surrounded his battle cruiser taking orbit around the world of Karian V. lights across the bridge consoles flashed to life as requests from the fleet came in on a report of the battle.

“Admiral The Warmonger requests an audience with you. The order comes from the Warmaster himself. He requests you’re to board his command cruiser in person.” Commander Declan explained looking up to the stratagem that over looked the whole of the bridge.

“Send him a reply I will be there within the next half hour will you Commander.” Ploughman ordered.

“Already done sir.” Commander Declan replied.

Ploughman rose out of his command pulpit straightened his thick storm coat turned to his guards who stood either side of the pulpit armed with large hell guns. And made for the door watching it open as he approached it. The guards followed him in unison.

“Commander you have command in my absence. Any reports are best despatched to The Warmonger.” With that he vacated the bridge.




Admiral Ploughman’s shuttle soon docked in the docking bay of The Warmonger gently settling on the deck letting its small aft thrusters die down leaving the smell of burnt fuel for the work crew to ingest in their nostrils. The side ramp lowered with a grinding of pistons. Ploughman soon emerged to a greeting of officers waiting for him by the shuttle.

“Admiral Sir the Warmaster awaits you in the briefing lounge.” Said one of the officers attired in a red storm coat. Notably probably one of the Warmaster’s personal adjutants.

“Very good. Lead the way.” Ploughman replied.

The group of several officers turned on their heels and began to march from the docking bay with Admiral Ploughman following suit.

The Admiral admired the fine craftsman’s ship of the corridors in which he’d been led down guards stood at every entrance all armed with the latest of weapons all attired in dark blue armour with visors across their faces. The walls were decorated in gold frames of pictures no doubt of Sanlowes ancestry. Servitors wondered up and down carrying various boxes parts tools some radio equipment. The odd servitor polished the floor and walls around the corridors.

“Here sir.” The officer said stopping by a set of large and tall doors that led into the briefing room.

The doors opened allowing Admiral ploughman to enter, the officers remained outside then began to disperse away. Ploughman slowly eneted the luxury looking room noting the finely sculpted ornaments in each corner of the room, each ornament was crafted into a cherub crafted from gold. Large pictures hung from the walls of the Warmaster’s ancestors. Long windows lined one side of the room starring out into the stars that surrounded the large vessel. Ploughman looked for a moment at the world of Karian V below then to the rest of the large fleet noting how more and more vessel’s were arriving, bu now they must have been more than a thousand strong in the crusade. Ploughman found himself wondering how may more would arrive. From the centre of the room the Admiral noted the finely decorated chandeliers that hung down lighting up the polished long narrow oak table that rested down the centre of the long room.

Warmaster Nathanial Sanlowe was a tall man well muscularly built he wore a dark blue coat a bolt pistol holstered at his hip and for the shear size of the man he could have easily passed for an Astartes the gun looked the perfect fit for his build. The Warmaster stood at the end of the long oak table that centred the dimly lit room.

“My lord.” Ploughman said bowing his head in respect.

“Tell me Admiral what is the situation with Karian V. Can it be dealt with swiftly. I intend to move deeper into the system and the Mechanicum have plans for this world.” Warmaster Sanlowe said, his voice deep.

“We have discovered a Necron threat my lord I have despatched all the Imperial guard regiments planet side. However I have lost most contact with any of them. We are uncertain of the fate of the Ryson First Airborne and the Catachan regiments. I last received a report from Captain Folkerk of the Realand Chem Dogs regiment that they have secured the southern region but have sustained heavy losses. The Inquisition of the Ordo Xenos have despatched a Kill Team to aide in the affair.” Ploughman explained.

“The Ordo Xenos aye. If they have sent a Kill team that means an Astartes presence. I have to admit I would rather we didn’t have to gain aide from Astartes Admiral.  It is my experience that they are untrust worthy.”

“Yes my lord. But We are ill equipped in dealing with such a foe. Perhaps it was in haste I requested help. But I recall the High Lords had requested the Ordo Xenos presence in this crusade. Please correct me if I am wrong my Lord.”

“You in fact correct. Look here Admiral I want to get this fleet under way and deeper in system, we are to make our presence known, and are to seek out the worlds for colonisation. It has been reported many of these worlds have resources vital to the Imperium. I shall leave you in command of Karian V once you have control I want you to rejoin the fleet. I’ll leave you the Apollo and The Vengeful Reason.  Keep me updated of course but I want Karian V made ready for the Mechanicum as soon as possible. Do you understand me Admiral?”

The Admiral bowed.

“I do my lord. One way or another Karian V will be made ready for the Mechanicum.”

“Good. Now return to your ship Admiral.”

The doors opened and two guards emerged to escort the Admiral back to his shuttle. He couldn’t help but wonder if He’d annoyed the Warmaster by been unlucky enough to bring this complication to his attention. Either way the Warmaster seemed more placid than he’d expected him to be. Again Ploughman found himself escorted through the great corridors of the Warmonger following the heavily armed guards back to the docking bay.



Karian V Eastern Fringe

Major McIntyre moved swiftly through the trees trying to avoid detection using the green colour of his uniform to blend in with the leaves. Behind him crept Captain Corchek of the Catachan regiment. They’d met up three days ago and had since used the cover of the forest to evade the Necron troops. Their unit was now a combined regiment of Ryson First Airborne and Catachan Jungle fighters their loses had been so great only fifty of them remained. Both men stopped hearing the sound of rustling leaves ahead of them. McIntyre dropped slowly to his knees his las gun in hand and in a firm targeting position. Captain Corchek held his bolter in a tight grip droping low and made swift to move. The Major was impressed with the mans movement, the Catachan moved like a ghost.

Corchek held his hand out flat signalling a full stop before he disappeared into the tree line. Sergeant Mortif one of the Catachan fighters moved up to the Majors side. His las gun held forwards ready for instant action. The Major wiped the sweat from his brow feeling the heat and tension that surrounded him.

“Cap un sighted sumat aye.” Mortif asked noting the Majors nervousness.

“Not sure. Best to be ready Sergeant. Have the men move up close but keep them low.” McIntyre ordered.

The Sergeant backed off into the trees and sure enough a few moments later the bushes that surrounded McIntyre appeared as though they were moving. He was impressed with the stealth in which the jungle fighters used to manoeuvre.

Corchek re-emerged his boltgun held in both hands his face blacked out with camouflaged.

“Two Droids at the forests edge. They din’t notice me but I’m not sure about a fire fight here. We risk exposing ourselves.” He explained.

“I see your point Captain. Problem is we can’t retreat back and we cannot go around them. “

“Aye they don’t go down easy though and then they don’t stay down.”

“Combined fire should take them down. Your bunch can hack them with your blades.”

“Your call Major.”

“Do it.” The Major said gesturing for his First Airborne to move up.

The whole group of guardsmen moved slowly in a line towards to two stationary Necron soldiers trying hard to be as silent as possible, guns aimed at their heads Major McIntyre leading the group. He made the gesture to lower on one knee using his hand. In unison the group did as ordered. Using his finger he signalled full fire.

Seconds later fifty las guns and pistols and a Bolter opened fire the sound creating a thunderous echo across the forest. The first Necron stumbled forwards its arm torn from its torso while the other staggered back managing to fire two shots from its gauss gun. One of the Catachan’s stumbled to his death once the successful shot tore his chest open and the second shot took another’s leg from the waist off him, he died before his body hit the grass covered ground.

Captain Corchek steadied his bolter and fired in bursts at the still shooting Necron’s head. The bullets pinged bouncing off its metallic skull. Jag another Airborne soldier jumped up, two las pistols in hand and fired moving forwards still blazing his guns each hand feeling the strain of the back kick. The Necron’s head came away leaving the headless body stumbling into the trees clumsily.

The other Necron now missing both legs used its arm to crawl into the shooting guards men. Finally it stabbed its fingers into Corporal Peterson tearing his knee away from his left leg. The soldier screamed wrought with pain.  McIntyre slammed the butt of his gun down hard onto the sparking Necron. The Necron’s head shook from the impact, Mortif emerged at his side, his cutting blade in hand he hacked hard into the creature’s neck sparks flew out as metal crashed into metallic substance. The Necron rolled over his gauss gun still in hand and shot a burst barely missing the Sergeant. Mortif danced back over a fallen tree branch maintaining his balance more in shock than surprise.The Catachan Captain looked up to see his Sergeant stumble backwards knife in hand looking down at the fallen Necron without hesitation Corchek dashed forwards leaping over fallen tree branches and bushes slamming the muzzle of his boltgun into the soulless face of the Necron and fired. In a spectacular array of sparks its head combust across the leaves.

 Wiping another series of sweat beads from his head the Major lowered his gun with a sigh of relieve looking out of the forest at the long field that lay ahead. The guardsmen all lowered their weapons in relief and turned to their Major waiting on him.

Captain Corchek knelt down next to trooper Peterson the men groaning in pain half conscious The soldier’s leg had been severed brutally, the blood gushed out rapidly fast forcing the Corporal to lose vital amounts of his blood. The Catachan Captain took at a long cigarette placing it on the lips of the Ryson First Airborne Corporal taking his lighter to it he lit the end. Peterson looked into Corchek’s eyes

“Sir don’r leave me here like this.”

Corchek placed the muzzle of his boltgun into Peterson’s face and fired the soldiers head separated in a spectacular burst of flesh skull and brain matter.
Major McIntyre looked away knowing what the Captain had done was for the best, though it still didn’t make him feel any better.

“We better move quickly it won’t be long before more come, they’ll have heard that fire fight for sure.” He said.

The group moved off from the forest and across the field keeping their wits about them and their guns at the ready. McIntyre led the way forwards with Captain Corchek at his side.




Lieutenant Felch of the realann Chem dogs removed his breathing mask and goggles to glimpse on the smoking field in which the Ryson Fist Airborne had engaged the Necron threat and had been all but obliterated. He then unbuttoned his long brown storm coat to take out his own auspex and scan for further activity.
Nothing. He placed the auspex back inside his long coat and turned to his Sergeant and Vox officer stood at his side by the APC that boasted a twin bolter at the top. All of the Realann chem. Dogs wore long brown storm coats rebreather masks and goggles. Their were about two hundred of the soldier’s who’d been on the move for the last five days. On arrival there had been five hundred but since a battle with the Necron’s their numbers had rapidly dwindled. Lieutenant Felch now had command of the rogue looking regiment of scared and bold headed soldiers the lack of hair been a cause of the effects of minor radiation of their world Realann. On the second day of their arrival on Karian the Colonel had been torn apart with the Captain. Since that event Felch had been left to command the Chem Dogs. Everyday he would try to raise the ships in orbit but to no avail as a dampening field blocked all communiqué from the planet and the same appeared from above.

Felch surveyed the are through his magnoculars looking upon the dead that lay scattered across the field surrounded by leman russ battle tanks torn apart fragments of Valkyrie’s and various other parts.

“Lieutenant we should scavenge what we can from those fallen.” Said Sergeant Drevval.

The Lieutenant gave a slight nod in acknowledgement. With that the soldiers dashed down into the field riding on their APC’s. Once amongst the dead the Chem Dog’s began to pillage what they could from boots to weaponry some even took the clothing of the fallen troops of the Ryson First Airborne. Lieutenant Felch was amongst the pillaging taking a pair of crafted Las pistols from the fallen body of the Ryson’s Captain.

“These are nice.” He said his voice croaky as he looked upon his Sergeant who had taken a plasma gun from one of the fallen and slung it over his back using the strap.

“We should ave enough ere to keep us going a while Lieutenant.” Drevval said looking pleased with himself.


Two fighter’s flew over the chem Dogs one was trailing thick black smoke while the other gave the impression it’s engines were failing. The sound of roaring engines echoed across the skiesthe sound almost deafening to the ear. As they flew low the chem. Dogs soon realised both fighters had been brutally damaged in some kind of fire fight.

“If they crash near this position we could see what he can take from ‘em.” Drevval pondered.

“Perhaps we should keep moving those Necron’s can’t be far behind and I don’t fancy a re-match so soon Sergeant.” Felch retorted.

With that the Realann Chem Dogs began to move on leaving the dead and fallen bodies behind in the still smouldering field. Lieutenant Felch sat atop of the lead APC surveying the area around in disgust.

The small convoy moved through the hills and fields in unison single file each of the guardsmen that sat atop of their APC’s kept a keen eye on any oncoming invaders. The group followed the burning trail of the two Valkyries vessels that had passed overhead in the distance. 

Sergeant Drevval spotted a group of guardsmen in the distance headed in the same direction, he took out his magnocular’s for a better view.

“Lieutenant I’ve spotted another group of guardsmen headed close by.”

Lieuteanant Felch took the magnocular’s from his Sergeants hands to view the sight himself.

“Looks like a rag tag mob. Catachan’s and those Ryson’s.” He noted.

“Aye sir what we to do.” Drevval asked.

“We rendezvous with ‘em of course. Bigger numbers gives us a bigger chance of survival. We don’t know what’s happening up above and keeping alive is my main concern.” Felch instructed.

The group of Realann Chen Dogs sped across the field headed for the group of guardsmen in the hope of doubling their number’s.




Captain Corchek watched a group of twelve APC’s all supporting guardsmen sat atop approach. He lowered his boltgun in relieve that they were not another Necron patrolling party. At his side stood Major McIntyre doing the same after seeing the APC’s approach for himself.

“Looks like we’ve got more company Major.” Corchek finally said.

“Yeah Chem Dogs. I hate frakking Chem Dogs. Thieving swines.” McIntyre grunted.

“Yeah well keeps our number’s up Major.” Corchek had said.

The group of APC’s soon came to a full stop and the Catachan Captain followed by Major McIntyre went to greet the bold headed regiment of Realann Chem Dogs.

Lieutenant Felch dropped from the top of his lead APC and took Corcheks hand with a wry smile.

“Lieutenant Felch of the realannn 235 Chem Dogs.” He said.

“Cap un Corchek of the Catachan’s.”

“Major McIntrye of the Ryson’s first Airborne.” McIntrye butted in.

“I wondered if anyone else had survived the onslaught we laned five day’s back now and right into an ambush. They took most of our number’s we fled the scene or we’d ave been gunned down.” Felch explained.

“Yeah well same happened all about. Just going on guerrilla tactics now these bastards die hard and slaughtered most of our number’s as well.” McIntrye explained.

“What now sir.” Felch asked.

“We head north see if we can rendezvous with other’s keep to hit n run style fighting.” McIntyrre said.

“One question sir.”

“Go on.”

“Were the boody hell ave these driody Necron’s gone.”

McIntyre looked about at the two groups of guardsmen then to the north.

“That’s a good question.” He finally said with a wrought look pressed across his face.





Chapter Four



“We stand firm in the burning galaxy that becomes more and more consumed in forgotten wars. Yet through all the fighting it is the deceit that plagues the realm of humanity deception and the scheming which is our enemy at hand.” Inquisitor Jakob Koff Ordo Malleus.




Day Seven
1100 hours



Karian V western Fringe


Lieutenant Hershey sat a kin to the pilot who fought for control of the damaged valkyrie that struggled to stay airborne, large plumes of black smoke trailing in its wake through the sky. The cockpit was filled with wires overhead swinging about blowing out sparks. The glass was cracked and on the verge of shattering. The Lieutenant gripped the sides of her seat tightly praying that she would survive the day, occasionally she’d glance down at the corpse of the co-pilot who’d been killed in the initial attack now his body laid still on the floor by her seat. Behind her in the troop compartment were seventeen soldiers of the Ryson First Airborne including the wounded Colonel Wilson who’d suffered a blow when an explosion had torn the ground from under his feet. 


Sirens blurred out above the grinding engines that strived to function. The pilot kept blessing the machine spirit for keeping them airborne, yet he knew the spirit would give up soon. Occasionally he would give a side glance to the other valkyrie that followed which also vomited out black smoke from their encounter with the Necron’s that had followed them so far and then retreated from their pursuit. The whole thing had left the guardsmen distraught and yet relieved that the Necron’s had given up pursuit. The soldiers knew almost nothing about their foe yet Hershey couldn’t help but think it wasn’t in their nature to withdraw. Still she felt relieved that they had, otherwise they would have been slain for sure.


The Valkyrie tilted from side to side maintaining a balance barely level, with each tilt Hershey grimaced each time with her stomach wrenching from the vessel as it would tilt left then right. Every two minutes the Valkyrie would drop down in a descent pattern giving her stomach a more in tense wrench.


“Okay lass I’ve found us a sight we can land. But we won’t be flying this baby again anytime soon.”

The pilot Johan explained his hands still wrestling for control steering the large vessel on a slant and headed for lower ground. The sound of screeching echoed through the whole of the valkyrie. Johan tried again to level the vessel but in doing so one of the side consoles erupted into flames releasing a gush of smoke across the cockpit. Hershey noted another alarm begin to screech at the sound of the co-pilot’s navigational display erupting into a ball of flames. The young Lieutenant felt the heat grace her face forcing her to shield her eyes. Hershey looked across for the fire extinguisher and grabbed it from the holster and poured the substance across the display dampening the fire.

Johan glanced across from his window to watch in horror as the other Valkyrie exploded in a puff of smoke and flames. He tried hard to manoeuvre away from the explosion, but wasn’t quick enough. A large piece of the other’s wing slammed hard into the side of his Valkyrie cutting deep into the hull. A burst of flames ripped the side wing into two.

“Oh shit.” He muttered.

Hershey watched in horror the left wing fall away from them leaving a trail of flames and then felt an intense wrench to her stomach and chest the moment their Valkyrie began a rapid descent to the ground below. Both Hershey and Johan watched the tree’s below grow closer and closer moments before the slammed hard into the tops breaking wood and starting a fire within the forest below. The valkyrie dived hard to the ground black smoke trailing from the half wing and aft engines then came contact with the ground the thud was heavy forcing the two forwards Hershey glad of her restraints that kept her in the co-pilots seat. Unfortunately for Johan his weren’t fastened and the G-force catapulted him from the pilot’s seat and straight from the cockpit glass shattering the fragments across the two seats covering Hershey in a shower of broken glass. She didn’t see the fate of Johan and probably found that for the better, as the pilot was thrown from the window and sucked up into the large proper engine of the right wing. All that remained was the blood spatter across her face and the right side of the Valkyrie.

The large Valkyrie skidded across the ground slamming into tree’s knocking them over for a few more seconds before sliding down hill and skidding into a lake at the forest’s edge. Hershey felt the cold from the water that poured into the cockpit drenching her. Seconds later the valkyrie began to sink nose first into the lakes edge. Hershey quickly un-did her restraints pulling her self from the seat, she swiftly pulled herself from the cockpit and out of the shattered window then jumped into the water. One by one the seventeen Ryson’s followed suit two of them pulled the Colonel out moments before the vessel had fully submerged under the water. The group swam onto the dry land of the forest’s edge. Hershey padded herself down then looked around to see where they’d ended up surveying the area around them. The first thing she noted towards the south was what looked like some kind of temple.

“What’s that.” Mansoon the vox officer questioned stepping up to her side.

“I don’t know.”

Hershey went to kneel at the Colonel’s side who was laid by the water’s side she looked at his leg wound. The medic had done a good job of patching it up and pulling the shrapnel fragments from the flesh.

“Where are we lieutenant.”

She looked into his bruised face and blood shot eye’s with a wry smile.

“Were safe for the moment. I’m not sure of where we are but we’ve spotted a temple of some kind in the distance. What are you’re order’s sir.” She asked.

Colonel Wilson began to pull himself up with a groan finally sitting up straight he looked around at his troops.

“Well I guess we’d better take a closer look aye lass.” He said.




Orbit of Karian V

Admiral Ploughman sat firm in his command pulpit and watched as the rest of the fleet now two thousand cruiser’s frigates and various of vessel’s disperse from Karian V and begin their journey into the Domorius Secundas system leaving him and the two cruiser’s Apollo and Vengeful Reason to remain in orbit around the planet. The last of the fleet to vacate was that of the Warmaster’s large monolith war cruiser The Warmonger. Ploughman was relieved to see the Warmaster head off into the darkness, yet he was leaving him with a mess to clear up on Karian V. And the Admiral couldn’t help but feel he was well and truly over his neck in trouble. After all the Necron’s were a soulless and almost indestructible foe. Should they be space bound he and the Apollo and Vengeful reason would not survive the encounter. He hoped the Deathwatch would arrive soon.

“Do we have anything from Karian V yet.” He finally asked looking across the bridge at tactical were the Commander stood with Lieutenant Sellis. The commander had appeared to be flirting with the younger lieutenant.

“Erm no sir not as yet sir.” Commander Declan quickly said looking up to see the Admiral’s eyes staring on at him.

The Commander shifted uncomfortably adjusting his tunic at the collar. Lieutenant Sellis looked down at her consol trying to ignore the fact the Admiral was glaring down at her and with him glaring she assumed so would the ships Commissar.

“What regiments do we have remaining in our bellies Commander.” Commissar brannigan asked speaking up from the Admiral’s side.

“We have only the reserve of the Ryson’s first Airborne Commissar. About a thousand men and women in total.”

“If we send them planet side we risk losing the lot until we know what’s happened down their I suggest we keep them here.” The Commissar whispered into Ploughman’s ear.

“Commander what regiment’s remain on the Apollo and Vengeful Reason.” Ploughman had asked.

“Sir the Apollo has expended all its Realann Chem Dog’s at your order’s and the Vengeful Reason is holding one thousand and five hundred Mordian Iron guardsmen.”

“We should wait for the Deathwatch now I think.” Ploughman whispered back to Commissar Brannigan. Whom bowed his head in concurring.




Ordo Xenos space station Bajorius

Inquisitor Kelvin Everman stood at the docking doors accompanied by two storm troopers armed with hellguns attired in thick heavy armour, silver tinted visors covered up their faces. The three men watched the large bulk heads open letting in a gush of stale air from the vessel that had merely docked moments ago.

The two guards recoiled at the sight of the silver adamantium armour that suddenly appeared before them as two large Grey Knight’s emerged from the opened doors both carrying force staffs with strom bolters affixed the their wrists. Both men stood much taller than they and both wearing their helms, eyes glowing yellow under the dim of the lighting. Everman stood firm as they both stopped either side of the opened docking bulk heads. At the centre another taller Grey Knight emerged this on taller still and wearing the ancient terminator armour of their chapter his helm at his waist and a large power sword sheathed at the other side of his hip. Everman noted the scar across his left cheek riding up to the top of his forehead were his short cropped hair began. Behind the tall warrior emerged Inquisitor Koff attired in a golden and red trimmed armour.

“Kelvin.” He said in greeting once he stood in front of Everman.

“Inquisitor Koff what may I ask brings you all the way out here.” Everman asked austerely.

“Oh the little matter of Karian V.” Koff replied as austerely.

“And what is it that concerns the Ordo Malleus that they have seen fit to send you here with your lapdogs.”

The Grey Knight attired in terminator armour grunted with a slight of a snarl of his lip as he heard the word lapdogs.

“Jaken.” Koff warned.

“You’ll have to forgive Captain Jakon of the Grey Knights but he does not agree with the term lapdog.” Koff continued.

“What do you want Koff.” Everman sardonically retorted.

“It has been brought to our attention that you have dispersed a squad of your deathwatch Astartes to the Dormorius Secundas system en-route to Karian V after a report of Necron activity was discovered.”

“I’m not exactly sure were your leading with this. Necron activity falls within the jurisdiction of the Ordo Xenos. I fail to see why it requires the presence of the Ordo Malleus.”

“We are keen to investigate the planet itself not the Necron threat. We believe there is something of importance on Karian V.”


“ For the moment I will remain here and you’re ordered by the lords to share all your findings with me.”

“I see. Perhaps you would do well to do as you ask.”

Koff smiled slightly as he watched how Everman played this game well.

“Of course.” Koff said bowing slightly.

“Since you’re here to stay I suggest we find you some quarters of residence, and of course something for your astounding companions here.” Everman said, with a tone of sarcasm in his voice.




Karian V Western Fringe


Colonel Wilson lead his small group of Ryson’s  guardsmen while limping towards what looked like a tall cathedral. The building had four tall towers at each end with sharp pointed tops. Across the sides tall stained mosaic windows with patterns of angels stood firm. Large amounts of moss clung to the brick work while vines had grown around the four towers. At the front a set of two thick and wooden tall arched doors were placed at the centre.

“Sir this looks man made.” Said Lieutenant Hershey.

The Colonel stopped in owe of the tall cathedral his las pistol hung loosely in his hand while the group of Ryson’s kept their weapons at the ready.

“It does. As far as I am aware the Domorius system is uncharted and mainly unexplored. But this looks anciently old.” The Colonel finally said.

Wilson turned to face his soldiers when he noted the large number of Necron warriors that had come up and surrounded the group Gauss guns pointing at all of the Ryson’s.

“I – I, think it belongs t-to them sir.” Hershey finally managed to say mouth agape open eyes as wide as possible. The group stood with the very same expression’s upon their faces.


Chapter Five
Secrets In The Void



“In times of uncertainty it can be said miracles will happen.” Colonel Conrad Wilson Commanding Officer of the Ryson’s First Airborne on Karian V


Day Seven
1700 Hours



Ordo Xenos Space Station Bajorius

Inquisitor Kelvin Everman entered his quarters letting the light from the corridor bath the room in yellowish light revealing his furnishings and furniture. The door quickly closed on his entrance, Everman removed his waist belt with his needler pistol holstered and placed it on a side cabinet.

“Who were your visitors.” Said a voice from the darkness.

Everman turned on the low light and watched as his room dampened out much of the darkness in a red glow. Sat in the corner still bathed in a shadow of darkness was a hooded figure much taller than the average human being. The figure wore a cloak and hood that covered his face and his body. Everman caught a glimpse of the blue adamantium gauntleted fingers. As the light spread across the room the mans mouth and chin became visible under his hood.

“A situation has arisen. Inquisitor Koff of the Ordo Malleus has arrived and has brought his grey Knights with him.”

The hooded man rose from his seat towering over the Inquisitor and turned away from him to face the stars outside at the window.

“If they suspected they would have acted by now. We should carry on as planned. My master will be read soon enough to leave for Karian V.”

“He will have to be informed you realise.”

“We know what is at stake here Kelvin.”

Everman took a glass of fine amesac and took a deep gulp of the warm liquid then went to take a seat on his cushioned sofa.

“Aye I reckon you do. Much is at risk you must not fail nor falter in your task.” Everman said taking another swig of his amesac.




Karian V Western Fringe

Time felt like it had suddenly stood still for Colonel Wilson who stood las pistol in hand gaping on at the surrounding Necron warriors who had their gauss guns pointed towards him and his Ryson’s. Then suddenly with a rush of adrenalin time came back into focus forcing Wilson to suddenly open fire. His las pistol burst into action letting loose a blaze of las fire that impact straight into the head of the nearest Necron. The metallic warriors head bounced back from the close impact knocking the thing to stagger back. Another fired and Wilson caught glimpse as trooper Jack burst into a ball of pink and red mist.

Mansoon dropped to his chest las gun held firm and fired while lieutenant Hershey dived over him gun blazing. The group had succumbed to the fact their fate was undoubtedly sealed, that was until the screeching sound of a las cannon blazed from across the him blowing a group of the Necron’s from the feet some shattered into fragments while others lost an arm or leg. Wilson looked up mouth agape to witness the sight of three then four ending with several chimera’s blazing las cannon fire from their turrets race across the field towards them. Following in their wake led by Major McIntyre was the remainder of the Ryson’s followed the Catachan’s and Realann Chem dogs guns ablaze forcing the Necron’s into conflict with them.

“Hershey get the men back to that cathedral. We’ll use it for cover and hold them off there.” Wilson bellowed above the din of noise.

Smoke covered the new battle ground with the sounds of thundering weapon’s fire. The Necron warriors marched into the attacking guardsmen while the chimeras rode over them crushing the soulless brutes under the heavy tracks that drove the war machines forwards. The Chem Dogs were the first to engage the metallic warriors in close quarter combat gun butts slamming into the fleshless heads. The Necron’s fired gauss blast after blast. Many of the troopers burst into pink puffs of mist, yet not a single death deterred the guardsmen’s in their bloody advance.

Wilson wiped sweat from his brow and advanced towards the good Major who had led the rag tag troops towards him. Colonel Wilson stopped as a Chimera stopped at his side the top hatch popped open and Lieutenant Felch emerged las gun held in hand goggles covering his sut covered face a grim smile broadly laid.

“Colonel Wilson I believe.” He said.

“Good to see you. And not a moment too soon my dear man.” Wilson spat back.

“Aye sir. Names Lieutenant Felch commanding officer of the Realann Chem dogs.”

“Your orders are to secure a parameter around the catherdral we’ll use this spot as a base of operations and we can hold off the threat here until we receive reinforcements.”

“Aye sir.” Felch said with a salute.

McIntyre approached with Captain Corchek at his side as the Chimera rolled off down the hill guns blazing into the Necron’s.

“Good to see you Colonel. We’d thought you lost to these soulless fraks.” McIntyre said with a wry smile.

“You too Major. I need this Cathedral secure. I have a sense the high command will want it in tact.”

“Not a problem sir looks like we’ve gained the upper hand anyhow.” McIntyre replied. 




Ordo Xenos Space Station Bajorius

Five days and five nights had passed by and that was five days and five nights of fasting five days and five nights of meditation recanting the litanies of purity and five days and five nights of solitary company preparing his soul. Five days and five nights alone sat cross legged in the darkness without the sound of a whisper. Raith was now ready to take his armour and adorn it, he was ready to take the deamonic sword blessed in his charge. He was ready and pure in spirit and heart to wield the mighty weapon and lead his brothers. Raith rose from his sitting stance and made one final prayer of purity.

The door finally opened forcing his eyes to squint from the light slightly. Once adjusted he looked upon the form of Librarian Cayton who stood in all his glory his force staff in hand and his book at his side. The warrior stood tall looking taller with his psychic hood above his head. His armour a gleaming blue one shoulder pad coloured grey with the symbol of his chapter the Relictors.

“It is time my Captain.” He said looking at the naked form of brother Captain Raith of the Relictors.

“Are the brothers ready Cayton.”

“They are.”

Raith made for the door when Cayton took hold of his arm for a moment.

“You should know the grey knights are aboard ship.”

“Then we must be swift in our departure before they realise of our presence and damn this operation.” Raith said taking his arm back and left the room to adorn his grey armour and take the Demonic sword. 




Chapter Six
Kill Team

“It is usually discovered in plain sight what fate divides us it is in the dark that the betrayers hide. Yet it is the light that will shun them from existence.” Inquisitor Jakob Koff Ordo Malleus


Day Nine
20:00 Hours Earth standard time


Orbit Of Karian V


“They have arrived.”

Admiral Ploughman turned from the window that consumed his wall from his command office, the room itself was sectioned from the bridge. He looked up at Commander Declan standing at the foot of his door. The Commander looked pale faced his hair ruffled, though Ploughman said nothing since the Commander had worked hard during the recent events that had plagued Karian V.

“Very well Commander, open the docking port so they may dock. I assume they have requested boarding instructions?”

The Commander merely nodded in acknowledgment.

“See to it what they request is done will you.”

“Aye sir.”

The door closed once more leaving the Admiral alone to turn back to his window and catch sight of the new vessel, a mere frigate but yet from appearance well armed, carrying the Inquisitorial I at its spear head. The I was a symbol of fear to many, but Ploughman understood they were here to eradicate the soulless foes of Karian V. A day ago contact had finally come from the service across the western fringe by Colonel Wilson, who’d also reported the discovery of a cathedral human built. Something no doubt the Inquisition will want to examine Wilson had also made reports on their losses which had resulted in most of the Ryson Airborne Catachan Jungle fighter’s and half of the Realann Chem Dogs. Now they’d made their base of operations at the cathedral awaiting reinforcements which of course had been despatched immediately, Ploughman himself had ordered the full complement of the Ryson Airborne Planet side to bolster their defensive position. The Admiral flexed his fingers until they made a cracking sound and rose from his seat. It would be an insult to send a greeting party to escort an Inquisitor and the Astartes without his presence of welcome. So to that thought Ploughman went to attire in his smart tunic with its medals of service.




Brother Iram watched from the slits in the side of the Thunderhawk the three large war cruisers sat idle in orbit of Karian V. He couldn’t help but wonder what awaited them below in their task. He knew next to nothing of the Necron’s with the exception of his briefing from the Crimson Fist Chaplain. Across from his seat he glimpsed at Paytah the Blood Drinker and squad Sergeant. He didn’t know this warrior, he was knew to the squad replacing the kate Segeant Tenkik of the Novamarines. The Blood Drinker sat pale faced eyes red and hair greased back. Akin to himself sat Skah his friend of the Flesh Tearer’s. a brutal warrior with no bounds to his blood thirsty rage in battle. Iram wondered what deep secrets lay behind the savagery of the Flesh Tearers. The group sat motionless all but Augusata. The Salamander attired in their power armour and all without their helms which lay at their waists.

Inquisitor Kyroe sat in the cockpit with the two pilots that carefully steered the Thunderhawk towards the Armadius. Sat akin was the tall figure of Captain Tiberius the Blood Angel Captain charged with leading the Deathwatch kill team. His long hair hung down past his shoulders in neat black strands.

“One minute before docking.” The pilot said in his brisk voice.

Kyroe remained silent keeping her gaze on the massive War Cruiser they rapidly approached, admiring its Hugh gun ports. She’d studied up on the history of the Armadius and found herself impressed with its history of victories in the many battles it had been engaged in under the command of the legendary Captain Tanhauser, now deceased. Admiral Ploughman had been charged with commanding the mighty war machine. She new the Admiral was a well respected veteran of many wars including the battle at Sorbiun were he’d led a fleet into an Ork armada and became the victor. Now Admiral Ploughman was left to command on the war front of karian V under order’s of the Warmaster Nathanial Sanlowe.

There was a shudder across the cockpit caused by the aft engines that began to shut down allowing a slower advance to the docking bay. Kyroe shifted in her seat at the un-comfort of the wrenching feeling spreading across her stomach, and yet she hid her discomfort from the on looking Blood Angel Captain. If he noticed he made no sign of it in his face.

“We’re entering the Docking bay of the Armadius now Inquisitor.” The Pilot announced.

Slowly and with ease the pilot took the black Thunderhawk into the wide docking bay turning to a slight tilt before levelling off in a straight line again then switching the belly thrusters on momentarily the gunship dropped down onto its landing legs the impact on the deck cause the vessel to bounce centimetres from the ground before finally resting.




Admiral Ploughman stood firm with Commissar Stephan Brannigan at his left and Lieutenant Commander Celina Heckler at his right. Behind them Tech Adept Shyroe. The four watched the steam billow from the sides of the Thunderhawks hatch with a whistle before opening, the ramp made a grinding sound lowering to the deck ending with a clang. Ploughman stiffened in his posture at the appearance Of Inquisitor Kyroe. The Woman looked mid thirties long black hair drooped past her chest in a neat plat. She wore a jet back body glove tightly as though it were her own skin showing off her bodily curves. Resting over her hips she wore a gun belt at either side holstered pistols one a plasma Pistol and the other looked like a custom made auto pistol. Drifting behind her she wore a red cape that drooped to her feet. Black boots tight to her skin rode up to her knees. But it was the Inquisitorial I just below her neck that caught his gaze most of all.

Behind her followed another attired in skin tight black armour sporting a long sniper rifle with a mask covering his face. Ploughman instantly recognised he was an assassin of the Vindicar. Both stepped from the ramp to approach the meeting group The Admiral had mustered. Yet it was the sight of the sheer size of the armoured figure that forced the group top step back. The Astartes slowly stepped in at The Inquisitor’s side towering over her, the eyes of his helmet glowed a dark red surveying the landing bay. Behind him another emerged attired in what looked like a cloak made from reptile skin its scales large and green, the same could be said of his hood revealing only his mouth and tip of his dark skinned nose.

Commissar Brannigan made eye contact with the hooded warrior who stood as tall as the armoured Astartes only when the red eyes of the man glared at him he felt a sudden shudder and adjusted his collar feeling an uncomfortable unease at his presence.

One by One the Astartes stepped off the Thunderhawk all armoured in black yet each sporting a different symbol across the right pauldron. Ploughman knew this to be their chapter symbols.

“Welcome Inquisitor.” Ploughman said holding his hand out.

Kyroe took his hand in a firm grip and gave a half smile before unclasping his hand, she turned to Face Captain Tiberius.

“This is Captain Tiberius. And this is Chaplain Quornas.” Kyroe said turning to the skull faced helm of the Crimson Fist.

Ploughman looked up at the Skull face with a note of wonder, unable to help himself wondering what kind of warrior donned a face of evil atop of his head. 

“My second officer Lieutenant Commander Celina Heckler and the ships Commissar Stephan Brannigan . And this is Tech Adept Shyroe of the Mechanicum.” Ploughman explained looking at each as he revealed their names.

“Well that’s with the introductions now we need a briefing of the situation on Karian V and full maps of the landing zones and what you have of the battle reports.” Tiberius interjected.

Kyroe gave another half smile.

“Somewhere more private I think.” She said.

“Of course.” Ploughman smiled gesturing them to follow him to the conference room.

The Kill team remained on the bridge with the exception of Librarian Augustas who fell in line behind Captain Tiberius and Chaplain Quornas. Commissar Brannigan felt the unease of the scale cloaked Librarian behind him knowing the warrior’s eyes bore into the back of his head, again forcing him to adjust his colour.




The hololithic table came to life revealing the landscape of the western fringe of Karian V where the imperial guard had their main strong hold of the planet.

“Here and here is were Colonel Wilson has secured parameters and here is where they discovered the cathedral, we know little of this massive construct apart from it was man made quite possibly over thousands of years ago. We’ve had little reports as the signals over the vox channels are very week due to some kind of dampening field. However the Colonel has been able to make contact at certain points of the day. As yet we don’t know why.” Admiral Ploughman explained pointing to each position of the hololithic map.

“What of the Necron threat.” Asked Augustas.

“Its an odd pattern of behaviour. From what I understand the Necron’s annihilate everyone and everything. Yet they seem to be attacking in small numbers and withdrawing. Although that said they almost wiped the first landing parties out.”

“And the cathedral what suggests its thousands of years old.” Asked Kyroe.

“Because it has mosaics of what has been reported of as two of the ancient Primarchs on the glass windows, which for some reason have remained undamaged.”

“Which Primarchs.” Asked Tiberius

“I do not know. The Comm line was severed.” Ploughman explained.

Tiberius turned to face Inquisitor Kyroe who had the Vindicare Assassin at her side.

“I think it’s time we made planet fall.”

“I agree.” She replied.

“I shall take my leave now then and prepare myself for battle I shall be ready within the hour.” Augsutas said turning to leave the conference room.

Kyroe watched the doors close behind the Salamander before turning to Tiberius.

“What does he need to do before readying himself for planet fall?” She asked.

“His heritage requires he follows the followings of the Cult promethean.”

“Why has Warmaster Sanlowe not remained in orbit Admiral.” Tiberius pondered.

“Because he has been charged with leading the crusade deep into the Domorius Secundas system. It does not ware well if the Warmaster is held up in his duty to conquer knew worlds to bring into the Imperiums fold.” Ploughman said, shifting his gaze to the motionless Quornas. The insignia of his shoulder heralded a clenched red fist on a dark blue back drop.

“What do you require from me Inquisitor?” Ploughman asked finally turning away from the chaplin.

“Once we’re planet side and have established a firm vox line I will advise you further Admiral. Until then stay orbit bound and in the scenario we get unwanted company hold them off.” Kyroe matter of factly said.

The Inquisitor turned to Tiberius and Quornas a grimace on her face.

“Once the Librarian has made himself ready we depart with immediate effect.”

“Of course.” Tiberius said.




Karian V

The thunderhawk sped across the grey sky rapidly increasing speed on it’s downward descent The Pilot Johan keeping his eyes sharp while both hands remained firm across his console flying the vessel with ease. Behind him sat Captain Tiberius and Inquisitor Kyroe both strapped in firm watching from the cockpit as they zoomed through the dull atmospheric clouds.

The pilot Johan glanced across his bio scanner readings for their drop sight, area in which he’d beeen given from the Armadius. The thunderhawk screeched through the sky battling the elements of the gravitational pull the closer down it manoeuvred.

“ETA three minutes.” He coolly said.

Kyroe studied her map given to her by the admiral before departure in case they were shot down.

“Inquisitor I suggest once grounded we manoeuvre up hill into the large hills, we can use the bikes for the terrain difficulty.”

“First of all Captain I want to study this cathedral the guard seem to have secured.”

“As you wish. But it’s vital we eliminate the threat as swiftly as possible.”

The crew felt a sudden wrench gripe at their stomachs from the turbulence of the thunderhawk shifting in speed to match the now raging wind. Johan kept his eyes forward watching the tree’s below grow closer and closer until eventually he was forced to level off and clip their tops brushing past. Once clear of the forest he took the gunship across the hill tops and fields to the sight of the tall cathedral surrounded by the guardsmen and their artillery. Two valkyries remained grounded by a small group of trees.

“Place us there Johan.” Kyroe pointed towards the valkyries.


The thunderhawk slowed its descent levelling off a final burst of the aft engines fuel spat away with the small belly thrusters opening up as the lending legs lowered down. A minute later the large gunship landed with a slight bounce.

“Helms on.” Tiberius announced as he unstrapped his restraints and made for the rear ramp already lowering. Behind him Kyroe and the vindicar followed by Sergeant Paytah the Blood Drinker.

Once outside the group approached the commanding officer Colonel Wilson who also made his approach towards them.

“Colonel Wilson I believe.” Kyroe called out.

Wilson stopped in his tracks the sight of an Inquisitor wasn’t something to be seen everyday. He suddenly realised how bad things actually where at her presence and not only that but the black armoured Astartes she’d brought with her.

“I want a full report of your activities down here and a full detailing of the Necron threat.”

Captain Tiberius, Sergeant Paytah, Brother Nehan, Brother Skah Brother Iram and Quornas all stepped past the Inquisitor headed for the cathedral. Tiberius signalled the others to remain outside securing watch positions around the four corners of the cathedral.

Once inside the tall gothic structure Tiberius removed his helm followed by both Skah and Paytah the three placed them at their waists. Paytach was the first in the great hall. The six warriors stood motionlessly still as the looked upon the mosaic image of Angron. Skah spat across the floor. Both Paytah and Nehan dropped to one knee at the sight of their Primarch Sanguinius on the adjacent window. Tiberius stood in owe at the glorious sight of Sanguinius dropping to one knee. Skah remained stood. Quornas and Iram remained stood. Nehan the second Blood Angel removed his helm and said a quick prayer.

Quornas stood looking upon the traitor form of the Primarch Angeron on the first tall arched window. He found himself somewhat bewildered why the Primarch who turned to worship the Blood God of Korn was placed on a cathedral mosaic adjacent to the Blood Angels Primarch Sanguinius.

“Inquisitor I suggest you come in here and see this.” He voxed Kyroe.




Ordo Xenos space station Bajorius

Captain Jakon watched an unmarked thunderhawk depart from the space station and ignite its thrusters to vanish in the night. He stood alone on one of the observation decks attired in his full armour his helm at the waist. Both his hands gripped the rail that overlooked the gigantic window spread across the deck.

“Inquisitor I have just watched an unmarked thunderhawk MK II depart from the station’s belly.” He said into a private vox channel

 “Intriguing. But not to see it could have been another of the Deathwatch kill teams been despatched. After all we are guests on an Ordo Xenos station Jakon.” Koff replied.

“Perhaps but is it not odd to you. I have also felt a strange presence since we arrived. I believe something is afoot here.”

“I do not doubt it Since our arrival here I have sensed something is not right. I never expected the Ordo Xenos to fully welcome u.. But I have sense something dark here myself.”

“Perhaps we should follow the thunderhawk.”

“I agree take your men and follow them. Be cautious though Jakon.”

“What of you.”

“I shall remain here for the time been. Keep me advised of your progress Jakon.”

Jakon left the deck sending a signal to his two fellow Grey Knights to meet him on the docking bay.




Inquisitor Everman sat listening to violin music in his quarters sat in his cushioned seat with a half full tumbler glass of fine vintage amesac eyes closed and deep in thought. His comm. Beeped rousing him from his contemplative trance.

“Yes.” He snapped.

“The grey Knights have left station my lord.” The voice was of the station’s operation centre Commander.

“When.” He said suddenly sitting up.

“Just now.”

And The Malleus Inquisitor.”

“Still remains on deck fifteen my lord.”

“Have you masked the unmarked hawks departure from the records as I instructed you.”

“Aye my lord.”

“Good. Do the same for the Grey Knights vessel would you.”


“Do it.”

“Of course.”

The com line went dead and Everman drank the last of the amesac in his tumbler before refilling another.

“Perhaps you should consider taking The Malleus Inquisitor out.” The hooded men said who remained in the shadows of Everman’s lounge.

“I have considered it. but for now he’s best left alive. My guess is somewhere not so far he will have others waiting on his report ins.”

“I shall inform my brothers to sweep the area. My lord has already began his journey to Karian V. But it may be wise we eliminate any further nuisance.”

“No I’ll have mine sweep the area. If your Chapter brother’s are detected it would most certainly bring more Grey Knights here. And I suspect they would destroy the Bajorius station in order to purge you and your presence here Cayton.”

“Very well. I’ll leave it in your capable hands Kelvin.”




Chapter Seven


“Captain Syakotus once one of the greatest Captains of The Crimson Fists only new full well the danger of the Necron threat and yet he still prevailed in his darkest hour, he still to this day stands as one of the few legendary heroes to have defeated the soulless foe. And though he lays now in an icy grave huddled with a small child on Kylle his memory still remains and that of his selfless bravery.” Quornas Crimson Fist Chaplain Seconded to Deathwatch


Day  11
23:00 Hours standard Earth time.



“Inquisitor we have a stable com link with the Armadius. The window will last only five minutes.”

Inquisitor Kyroe turned her head to the arched door of the small chapel room in which she sat in, at the door stood Major McIntyre, his face covered in dirt from trench digging outside.
The last two days had been long with no sign of Necron contact, the Blood Angel Captain had spent the day searching the cathedral and its lower levels along with Nehan studying the litanies and books in the underground library. Something within the library had taken his attention, on what she deemed a personal investigation. Though she hardly blamed them since it was their Primarch on the mosaic window next to the traitor Angeron. Of course she had been doing her own investigating and had acquired the book from the lectern, which told her this cathedral was built long ago when the Emperor of man walked amongst his warriors.
She closed the book and rose to her feet letting her long platted ponytail drop down her back.

“Thank you Major.” She said following him out from the cathedral and into the erected command bunker built outside by the tech adepts that had arrived planet side two days prior.

The sky above was ink black lit up by the three moons and the stars that surrounded them. Across from the bunker the guardsmen were still busying digging trenches around the cathedral readying themselves for an attack. Flood lights surrounded the newly built compound. Though something built this fast would barely repel any kind of attack let alone a major offensive. Kyroe stopped a moment to scope the sky as the sound of engine’s from above roared across the dark sky. Falkland carriers still ferried the Mordian iron guardsmen from the orbiting vessels to bolster the numbers required to deter an immanent attack.

A light flooded the grass outside the open bunker door giving the grass a yellowish tint under the night sky. Kyroe entered to be greeted by Colonel Wilson and the command staff. A Mordian Colonel the Catachan Captain and the Chem Dogs lieutenant amongst other junior officers and the chief Vox officer Mansoon. Also stood at the long table Chaplain Quornas had his hands placed firm on the flat of the metal slab with Sergeant Paytah at his side. Paytah wore his helm at his wist while Quornas kept the skull of a chaplain firmly fixed on his head.

“Ah Inquisitor we have established a link with Admiral Ploughman.” Wilson explained greeting her with a smile.

Kyroe took the Vox unit in hand.

“Admiral this is Kyroe.”

“Inquisitor as I was just saying to Colonel Wilson we have detected a large movement heading your way. At the current speed they will be with you within several hours. And I’m afraid it will be ten hours before we can make contact again. Also my long range systems have detected a group of vessels headed for our location. As I have received no word of further assistance I can only assume they are of hostile attempt.”

“What kind of movement are we looking at Admiral.”

“A large build up. Our scanners are still varied with the dampening field of the atmosphere but it looks big. We can offer further aide since the Mechanicus ship has arrived in orbit. Magos Talbot has offered his assistance.”

Kyroe looked across the table at the officers who stood surrounding it and her then to Colonel Wilson.

“How are the defences coming along Colonel?” She asked looking directly at him.

“We getting there. We’ve made good on the trench line but mostly our bunkers and weapons supports are merely built on makeshift issue. From the onslaughts we’ve already taken I doubt they will be of much use as cover. But the trench line can make a good cover advantage providing we can get the heavy weapons all in place.”

Kyroe placed the vox unit to her ear once more.

“Admiral tell Magos Talbot his assistance will be greatly appreciated since the Guardsmen are still trying to erect a defence line. Now tell me do you have an ETA on the oncoming vessels?”

“Ten hours Inquisitor.”

“Use your batteries to focus on the area you have scanned it may slow down the on comers. The Guardsmen will have to hold the line. Also send a message to Warmaster Sanlowe that he will have to send further assistance.”

“Sorry In-q tor your Bre ing p lo ing si al.”

“That’s it Inquisitor the window has closed.” Mansoon said flicking the dials of the com box.

“Damn it.” She said in reply.

“We still have several hours to prepare Inquisitor.” Colonal Urvane explained tugging on the light blue of his jacket and replacing his Mordian cap.

“I’ll be in the Cathedral gentlemen. In the meantime Chaplain Quornas can assist you with Sergeant Paytah.” With that Kyroe left the bunker.






Captain Tiberius and Brother Nehan the Angel Sanguine walked slowly down the darkened and clammy corridors beneath the cathedral both walked cautiously. Nehan flexing both his lightening claws on the chance of an unwanted surprise. While Tiberius held his plasma Pistol firm in his grip.

“There Captain those double doors.”

“I see them.”

Both warriors crept up to a set of large double doors at the end of the corridor Tiberius cautiously placed his free hand on one of the wooden doors and slowly pushed it open keeping his Plasma pistol at an angle giving him a clear shot should he need to. Nehan watched the Blood Angel open the door then move in pistol held forwards.

The room was long and lit by a singular glow lamp at the far end. Cobwebs and moist covered the walls. In the centre stood a table with charts placed across the surface. Tiberius holstered his pistol and stopped at the metallic table to look down on the charts before him.

The low lighting covered out most of his features leaving the red glow from his helmets eyes shining like a pair of red torches.

“What do you see Captain?” Nehan asked.

“It’s a map to a secret location at the southern fringe of this rock. Looks set in the mountains. My guess is it holds some answers for us.”

“A secret location to what?”

“We’ll soon find out.”

Nehan looked across the room to see what appeared to be a large test tube in the far corner, the tube itself was covered in moist and had, had the glass compartment shattered. Whatever it was that had dwelled within was long gone and probably broken free.
Tiberius scanned the tube himself as he approached it. He wondered himself what it was that dwelled within. The Deathwatch Captain stopped at the base and looked down to see the Blood Angel symbol of the two wings and a blood drop crouching down to one knee the Captain examined it in close detail.

“By the blood of Sanguinius.” He muttered allowed.

Nehan crouched beside the Captain and read the inscription; the date was dated back to before the actual Heresy when Horus turned on the Emperor.

“If this is what I think it is then there is finally hope for our Chapters futures.” Nehan said.

Tiberius tapped into his internal vox unit built into his black helmet switching his gaze to Nehan as he did.

“Inquisitor we need to prep the Thunderhawk for immediate dispersal.”

First there was a crackle of static before Kyroe answered.

“What have you found Captain.”

“A map that leads to the southern fringe in one of the mountains there. I have a feeling it holds some answers and may even lead to knowledge of our discovery here.”

“I’m not sure I am happy about leaving the guardsmen to fend for themselves.”

“As far as I am aware they are not our concern but the Necron threat is.”

“Very well I’ll have the pilot prep the hawk for launch.”





“Quornas we’re leaving now.” Kyroe said.

Quornas stood by the chapel door after Kyroe had summoned him and now found himself wondering what it was that concluded her to order the Deathwatch to leave the guardsmen. And yet in the same instance found himself horrified at her decision.

“I must protest Inquisitor leaving the guardsmen now is in my opinion not so wise.”

“We will not be abandoning them.”


Kyroe rose from her seat closing the book she’d been studying accepting the grace that it told her nothing of this cathedral. She looked up into Quornas’s eyes or the reds of his Helmet.

“Something odd niggles at me Chaplain. And Tiberius has found a chart to the Southern fringe. If he deems it important enough to investigate then that in my opinion may help aide the current circumstance.”

Quornas removed his helm laying it on the table by the now closed thick book, his face was weathered and aged revealing some clue to his life span and by the scars at his face it gave clue to his fighting career.

“Do you not find it odd that two Primarchs one that turned to Khorn the god of blood and the other a Blood Angel are part of the windows. I need answers and I want those answers.”

Quornas sighed.

“What are your orders Inquisitor?” Quornas said his voice soft in tone.

“You together with Librarian Augusta, Oran the Raven Guard and the Exorcist Tural will remain here in our abscence. As you jave better knowledge of the Necrons It’s best you advice the Guardsmen and fight along side them that is until our return. But whatever it is that Tuberius has discovered will no doubt be to our advantage. I don’t like it anymore than you Quornas but our objective is to eradicate the Xenos threat here no matter the cost.”

Quornas bowed his head in gratitude as the Inquisitor began to leave. “I’ll also leave Dakkaa Volt and the Vindicar to support you.”

Quornas adorned his helm once more at the Inquisitors exit of the Cathedral.

Outside Colonel Wilson and Colonel Urvane greeted her.

“I am leaving we have discovered something. However I will be leaving three of the Deathwatch and my retinue members to aide you.”

Wilsons face dropped to a shade of white while Urvane removed his cap to show his disgust.

“Inquisitor I must protest this is not the”

Urvane was cut off as the Blood Angel Captain emerged followed by Nehan Iram and Skah.

“Though I am not answerable to you gentlemen I will give you the courtesy of saying this. What we have discovered is of vital importance to Karian V.”

With that the Inquisitor and the Deathwatch left and began to enter the now powering up Thunderhawk Gunship. Quornas went to stand with the two disgruntled officers.

“Fear not. As long as we have a good defence we can repel the soulless fiends that come for us.” He said.




Chapter 8
Courage With Honour

“It has to be said though I have seendeath one more than a thousand faces it never fails to amaze me that those who fight for the light of the Emperor do so with such Courage and Honour in their hearts Astartes and Guard alike.” Blood Angel Captain Tiberius  



The unmarked thunderhawk flew deep into a giant pink nebula, its thrusters slowing on entry allowing it to glide slowly through the pink cloud. Once inside electro magnetic storms raged with a thunderous crackle, long streaks of lightening flashed across the whole of the nebula. A stray burst of lightening lashed out hitting the side of the hull forcing the vessel at a tilt while creating a black burn scorch on the stern. Yet the vessel though tilting from side to side still maintained a steady course to its destination a much larger vessel hiding deep in the centre hidden from scanners or detection. The ship was a large destroyer class large gun ports visibly open on the broadside for sudden attack. Slowly the thunderhawk cut thrusters as a tractor beam took hold of the smaller gunship and slowly pulled it closer. A side hatch opened up allowing the hawk to enter leaving the raging storm in its wake outside and merely dodging another stray burst of lightening instead allowing it to pass its aft engines.




In the distance the sound of marching could be heard over the howl of the winds in the dark of night. Chaplain Quornas stood high up on of the corner towers of the tall cathedral at his side stood Colonel Wilson. Both men gazing out into the distance in wait for the oncoming undying race named the Necron’s. Crouched on the adjacent tower the vindicar assassin had aim with his long sniper rifle waiting to pick of individual kill shots at first sight of the foe. The assassin was almost invisible in the darkness of night. The Colonel had ordered all the flood lights out in the hope that the undying Necron’s would find it harder to make targets yet Quornas new the foe far better than that.

Out from the darkness a streak of green light shot through the air and into one of the sergeants directing his unit, the sergeant was vaporised in an instant. The surrounding unit of Mordian Iron guardsmen spun around to witness more streaks of green light. At first several were hit and killed instantly before the soldiers returned fire it was at that point the guardsmen saw the marching Necron’s advance towards them. The undying foe looked more like an army of silver skeletons carrying guns with a green glowing barrel.

Colonel Urvane the commanding officer of the Mordian’s bellowed orders to return fire as he unsheathed his powersword while taking pot shots with his las pistol. The darkness was soon lit up with tracer fire from the guardsmen who were now firing from their trench line. The Necron’s continued their march walking towards the soldiers. Las blasts impacted all across the first line of the marching foe many were knocked down yet a liquid metal soon knitted their wounds back together allowing them once more to rise. Urvane watched in sheer horror as green guass blasts flew through the air killing his Mordians in the tens then twenties.

Colonel Wilson held the vox caster to his ear never taking his eyes of the slaughter below in the distance.

“Get those Chimeras up front to support the Mordians and have the Chem Dogs bolster their defences in the northern trench line.” He barked out.

Quornas placed a hand on the Colonels shoulder.

“I will join the fray with my brothers.”

“Tell me Astartes do we stand a chance.”


“Then what do we do.”

Quornas removed his hand and un-hooked his crozius from his waist stood a short moment and watched the carnage.

“We hold until we are no more.” He finally said.

The Mordian’s fired and fired as the Necron’s approached yet for a moment their firing lines stopped as small tremors in the ground shook giving the feeling they were also experiencing an earthquake. Suddenly and without warning the trenches erupted as thousands of metallic spiders emerged all around the soldiers. The scarabs flooded the trench in seconds coving hundreds of soldiers and butchering them by biting into their very flesh. Urvane swiped down with his powersword at the scarabs that approached him two were cut in half a third leaped up biting into his shoulder but his lieutenant slammed the butt of his las gun into the spider. Urvane stumbled back his boots slipping in the wet mood of the trench. He looked up too see the Necron warriors had reached the tops of the northern trench sweat dripped from his forehead at the sight of a gauss gun aimed at his head.

“Blessed be the Emperor.” He muttered choosing to accept his fate.

A wisp and the Necron’s head came apart. Urvane looked up to see more Necron heads decapitated, looking back to the cathedral the Colonel saw it was skilled shots from the vindicar assassin crouched high up on one of the cathedral towers.

Urvane staggered to his feet clutching his power sword tightly to watch twenty Chimera tanks leap over the northern trenches and slam into the Necron warriors. The Mordian’s around him began to cheer. Yet the cheering was soon cut short as larger Necron warriors began to emerge these supported four barrelled guns as arms and hovered from the ground. The floating Necrons fired at the armour of the tanks vaporising the hulls revealing the crews inside then killed the crews with a second volley of shots.
Tank commanders barked orders keeping their crews motivated, flames and las blasts fired out from the turrets into the Necrons many of the skeletal warriors found themselves flung from their feet some unable to self repair while others rose up like the undead. Urvane issued a full retreat from the northern trench only to find himself horrified at the loses his Mordian Iron guardsmen had suffered. Their numbers reduced from one thousand five hundred to a mere six hundred and falling rapidly.

“Fall back.” He bellowed.