The station drifted lifeless in the surrounding darkness above the planet of Venus the only sign of life were the hundreds of lights coming from the windows. The Falkland carrier sped through the night racing towards the slowly turning station Echo Primus. As the Falkland began to slow it slowly turned using a series of thrusters from its belly to manoeuvre it round. Its rear thrusters cut power and slowly the vessel moved into a boarding action. With a soundless clang the Falkland banged into the side of Echo Primus and a series of cutters started to cut a hole in the Hull. Once the hole had been established the piece of Hull fell forwards onto the metal floor inside with a clang that echoed through the empty corridor.

One by one soldiers attired in black combat uniforms with light breast plate armour covering them, and holding sub machine guns forwards with back loading magazines emerged from the Falkland. The first four shuffled forwards to the first hatch inside the station. Four more quickly followed by a further four.

"Captain we've breached. There's no sign of life on this deck." Said Sergeant Mortif.

Four more soldiers emerged from the Falkland and began to head down the corridors. The soldiers all had muzzles and visors covering their faces. The Captain more a black beret were as the others wore black caps atop of their heads.

"Head for the stair well. My scanner tells me we've X-rays top side around and in the operations centre." Said the Captain.

The sixteen soldiers swiftly moved through the dimly let corridors of the Station keeping their guns aimed forwards and occasionally bobbing down as they pass T junctions. As they moved up the stairwells the moved in two by two covering formation until they reached the higher level of the Station. The Operations centre.

Sergeant Mortif was the first to see the red cloaks for five figures carrying a tube like object.

"Cappun." He called in a low voice through the micro bead fed from his ear to his mouth.

The Captain approached looking through the doorway at a side glance and keeping close to the wall.
Inside the operations centre five hooded figures were moving a large silve tube with a trail of wires following. Across from them were some of the crew pinned naked to the walls. They'd been spread eagled and some of them had, had their skin removed left dripping blood to the metallic floor.

The Captain dared a look above and saw what looked like dirty rags hanging from the ceiling. It was when he glanced further he'd realised it was skin cut from the hanging crew at the far end of the operations centre. They'd had their skin shed and were left groaning.

Mortif nearly hurled vomit into his muzzle at the mere sight. He winced at the blood still dropping down.

"What the frag are these Bastards." He muttered.

"Dead." Said the Captain.

Using his hands to signal his men they began moving into an attack position using some over turned consoles for cover. The Captain removed his muzzle but left his yellow visor over his eyes for a better targeting system. He took careful aim with his sub machine gun and opened fire killing the first hooded figure. The other soldiers followed suite. Soon enough the hooded men had all been slain.

Sergeant Mortif moved towards the crew pinned naked to the walls and made an attempt to set them free. He unhooked his short knife from his belt and began to cut through one of the straps holding the woman's wrist. As the Sergeant looked on the woman's eyes had been plucked from her skull leaving a trail of blood tears leaking down her face.

"I'm so sorry." Said Mortif.

She dropped to her knees after a minute passed and Mortif managed to cut her free. Behind him stood tow other the soldiers coving the operations centre. When they heard the sound of something crashing. The Captain moved towards the sound followed by the other soldiers leaving Mortif and his squad of four.

Markus dashed around the corner to find a bright purple flame coming towards him. The Captain was the firt to witness Markus's head turn into a puff of blood and brain.

"Firing Positions now." He yelled before the headless body slumped to the ground.


Mortif heard the gun fire in the distance blazing violently and echoing through the centre.

"Taff take the door cover us in or out." He ordered.

The gun fire lessened shots still fired but the violence of the fight had died out. Mortif began cutting another crewman free from his restraints when he heard screaming of an inhuman nature.

"Captain whats going on." He called into his bead.

No reply.

"Frag." He mumbled as he called again.

"Ok were getting these out." He said bending to pick on of the eyeless crew up. The naked woman he took hold off head butted him as she came level to him.
Mortif stunned and shocked staggered back. As he looked up he saw a purple plasma flame disintegrate Markus's stomach and chest leaving a pool of red blood at his feet. He looked at the woman. And watched as she staggered towards him as though her eyeless sockets could see him at a glance he watched another of the crew turn one of his soldier Knifes on him and slashed his mans throat. The last soldier fired and fired dropping tow of the crew but another ripped his throat out leaving a spray of blood vomiting across the deck.
Mortif took a firm hold of his gun to open fire but wasn't quick enough as the woman ripped his head from his shoulders. A spray of blood covered her and he was dead with his head still in her hands.

The Captain was the last man standing and had managed to make his way back to the operations centre in time to see Mortif beheaded. He turned his gun on the female killed and downed her in a spray of gun fire as he turned to leave he felt a blow to his right temple which knocked his yellow visor from his head.


The Captain awoke to find himself strapped to a steal slab his arms and legs and been spread put Slowly he lifted his head to see his bruised naked body feeling the cold steel of the slab head placed his head back down and watched as a cybernetic man approach. Though his vision was still hazy he could make out the red cloak and strange looking face. The man had, had half his face replaced with an androids.

"What are you going to do to me?" He said still gazing on the approaching man.

"Well Captain Thomas Vornn we have something very special for you. You're going to be our first soldier of an enhanced capability. A Prototype if you like."

"I won't serve you." Vornn spat.

A sound of razor blades whirring began to echo in the chamber Vornn realised he was in as his vision began to return. Above him on crane like arms four razor blades whirred down on him cutting his legs and arms from his body. Pain breached Vornn like he'd never known before and yet something prevented him from blacking out. A fifth razor came down and began slicing his chest wide open. Blood covered the Captain as his limbs were hacked away from him. He screamed and the scream was inhuman he found himself wishing death take him.

Though his hands and legs had been severed it was as though he could still feel them. Then he felt his organs ripped out of his chest as five adepts removed them leaving more pain. Vornn bellowed begging for Death until his voice was numb from shouting. He felt cables been plugged into his served sockets when a drill came down to claim his eyes. He felt every piece of the pain and yet some kind of drugs prevented him blacking out and some kind of machine kept his body alive. All he could do was beg with a silent voice